Responses from audioman58
Best digital converter $5k under The only thing bad about the exa sound dac is if you have a external drive ,and a digital player like the Auraliti, or Bryston bdp it will not workIt has to be connected to a laptop,or standard computer what a shame for I almost took the plunge . | |
Revel Performa 3 I have yo go back and retract part of my statement on the f-206 being a bit better then the f-208 I found out the 208 I heard only had 75 hours on it,and truthfully they take so full 400 hours to get the low frequency drivers to relax this include... | |
Music Servers-Why so few? Auraliti uses Asyncronus usb,as well as separate isolation on a separate Card, and they have a new 3 plus lb separate power supply they designedI have been waiting 2 months for it to finally arrive .for $1k with upgraded power supply ,a very good ... | |
Luxman DA-06 Dac...anyone? It seems to be a possible Luxman problem a firmware patch may be in order.please all Luxman owners let Phillip the distributor know so we can resolve this issue thank you. | |
Music Servers-Why so few? The Auraliti likes only quality no garbage like mpegs or or internet radio.Flac,wav, Hirez, and up to 128 DSD files from your external Hardrive.Ripping cds using DB poweramp is an excellent medium.This player allows you to use wifi for controlling... | |
Music Servers-Why so few? Auraliti designerD most of a Brystons player,the pk-90 is great and much cheaper then the Bryston they do need to get their act together though for email Customer service is lousy.several of us have ordered their New powersupply which really steps... | |
Auraliti PK100 The Auraliti players are very sound.I have a pk-90 and have been waiting 2 months for their new aftermarket power supply which I hear is very good.Customer service Stinks ,many times emails are a paying customer I should know when the p... | |
Luxman DA-06 Dac...anyone? Hello one of the dealers said they tried fuses very nice added refinement,I asked Luxman Japan for the values they gave it to me,Then emailed back No aftermarket fuses, these are matched fuses And they donot want anyone disturbing anything inside ... | |
Luxman DA-06 Dac...anyone? You have some nice equipment.I had one very disturbing problem with an Oscar Peterson -DSDBought from Acoustic sounds every time a Song kicks in a loud transient goes through the speakers.very unsettling it could ruin something,The 2nd DSD I bough... | |
External DAC For Oppo 105 At What Cost? I ended up with the New Luxman da-06 it was IMO the most natural Sounding in my system far more$$ then I anticipated but is all setup for up to 2X DSD and the naturalness cannot be denied. | |
little known Great capacitor wc65 mustang the Flux capacitor was an option with my antimatter drive!! | |
Luxman DA-06 Dac...anyone? One more thing to mention ,I have experimented with a good number of digital cables,for a warmer dac like the Luxman 06 I had the Audioquest a Diamond ,where the Wireworld Platinum 7 is much better suited to extract the most out of the Luxman, the... | |
Luxman DA-06 Dac...anyone? Hello to all after rereading one of the reviews the reviewer has devore9Speakers on the laid back side ,compared to my Neutral YG Carmel's Also, he also has a warm sounding passlabs-30 warm sound again.I can see why it can be so lush .now with my ... | |
Luxman DA-06 Dac...anyone? Hello Antanas, how many hours do you have on the Luxman 06 ?Through the first 100 hours it has gone from real warm ,nice then coolerAnd a little fuzzy ,then cool sounding ,in my experience 3-400 hours is neededfor yo tally breakin ,and refinement.... | |
little known Great capacitor The Jupiter flat stacks and Ht are excellent every bit as good if not betterThen the very expensive MundorfI usedthem in a preamp and flat stack in a speaker.In my guitar I only use the Jupiter HT. gibson give the Sprague classic Orange drop which... |