

Responses from audioman58

Is the Hegel H-20 better than the Parasound A-21?
I owned the Parsound A-21 it was very well balanced I put in 4of the aftermarket fuses in there, as well as a good $600 power cord Then it had a bit of warmth and nice detail.The Hegel 20 is a better amp in every respect, with a warmer characterBu... 
USB cables
A cable is not just a cable even digital ,the more accurate the timing And accuracy of the signal is very important.i have had from BeldonTo $50 audioquest tp $250-$ 600wireworld. If you hoping to judge a cable First give it at least 250 hrs for ... 
USB cables
I have used .05 m to 1.5 m cables and There was no difference what so ever in sonics,and I gave them over 300 hrs to run in.I can see on some brands it might matter,but the WireworldSilver Starlight is a very well built cable. 
Best Integrated, period.
Hegel 300 vs 300The 300 has a bit more resolution and air on top,and Very neutralSounding ,compared to the 200 a bit on the thin side.the 200Sounds like a high end Vacuum tube amp with snap and detail and warmer fuller sounding.Very system depende... 
Looking for a high-quality 2-way speaker
First read all the professional reviews ,for Magico mini,Tad juniorYgAcoustics Carmel . rockport Mira-2 is a 3 way ,and is not as clear and open as the above speakers,you need to look at their new $30 k speaker to be in that league ,but that too I... 
For the sound, or?????
Don't forget for some the 200 may not have quite the resolution,butHas a much richer balance, similar to a good vacuum tube setup,The 300 a little more inner detail and dynamics ,and a bit more powerBut much more neutral in character. 
Best digital converter $5k under
The auralic I used from a friend is a bit more refined but the midbass low bass i like better with the Mytek,imo, the Diamond firewire is for sure the Most analog natural especially coming from the Auralitti player. 
Best digital converter $5k under
The Ayon dac is a different dac altogether and doesnot do dsdAnd is in some respects more analog then the many dacs out there.I have learned as I have gone through several systems in the last few yearsA dac in one system may be to thin ,or rich in... 
Power Cord up to $100?
signal cable makes a very nice hybrid that is a Silver alloy over high purity Copper.for $149 it is a Effective awg-10. With good balance not to warm ,and also dynamic ,and open sounding. For a hand assembled cable This cable competes with cables ... 
Solid Silver Ethernet Cable?
The best way by far to get music out of a player Such as mine the most cost effective and superior setup vs my lastSetup. Ethernet for me is just to use Wifi to my Ipad to direct my library and router.Direct connection is allways best for performa... 
Best Integrated, period.
You want to talk about the BestHow about Bermeister, Dartzeel,Vitus,Gryphon any ones of theseWill set you back from $15k to over $25kThese are in an other league most of us cannot ever afford theseRRoyce of products and for sure there is some Tube... 
Montana Speakers? Have they fizzled out?
The reason you don't see Montana advertising is that repeat customers,And word of mouth do his advertising or him.he is a small companyAnd likes it that way.not many companies hand wind the Xover inductorsOr matched pairs of drivers to under 1 db.... 
Legacy Focus 20/20's vs PBN Montana EPS-2
The EPS-2 Montanas are far better engineered , I told Bill D at Legacy for years to get rid of the gritty ceramic resistors,and Solen capacitorsGarbage in ,garbage out.as of 2012 He finally listened using ClarityCapacitors but maybe only on certai... 
I am glad I could be of assistance. I am hoping to get my unit or Oct.Best of luck to you Audiozen. 
Are there any DACs that can go low?
Dsd audio as well as any quality dac now can go toe to toe with Any turntables for or less money.Dollar per dollar,digital has better s/n ratio, dynamic range, lower noise floor, and for sure lower Bass. But people have using turntables for so lon...