Responses from audioman58
CODA CSIb vs. HEGEL H-300 INTEGRATED Have not heard this year2013 Coda,heard 2012 model very good gear.Cannot give a absolute against the Hegel 200,the Hegels balance is a shade warmer, and to make an absolute you would have to have both In the same system for the day. | |
Best Integrated, period. Regarding dacs used to hear the Hegel 200,300We did not use the Hegel internal dac ,it is decent but the Meitner Ma-1We used is in another catagory.the sonic balance I described is accurate.The only thing I am doing next is buying a balanced set o... | |
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil I just wanted to mention .I have documented many ,1,000 s of hours on capacitors and changes over the years. For Resistors hands down even the standard Duelund resistors are the best,their black case models even better. Capacitor wise I agree the ... | |
North Star Impulso Dac I forgot to mention I negotiated a few bucks off to make it an even better deal. | |
Review: North Star design Impulso DA converter I forgot to mention I negotiated a few bucks off to make it an even better deal. | |
Driving YG Carmel's I sold the Revels, and the YG Carmel's are more transparent ,seamless,and detailedThen the B&W diamond which is still a excellent loudspeaker,the cabinet is fuller sounding,the Carmel's only lack lower Bass but a pair of the New JL audio E-10 ... | |
Will Push-Pull Triode amp 20-25 WPC work? I agree the Carmel's are great with tube amps,but just as important is your sources down stream a great dac, player, and or turn table.they donot add any boxy colorations at all.Your speaker cables ,interconnects,as well as powercords have just as... | |
Driving YG Carmel's I am using a Hegel h-200 with very good gain even more output I am buying XLR interconnects,the new MIT interconnects also have impedance matching switching which balances the network even further.Adding a high quality powered Subwoofer... | |
Best New Loudspeakers under $5,000. Focal Aria 900 It all comes down to the character of your other equipment downstream Best is a relative term ,to, what ,or who ? ribbons, cones, stats,planer?So many choices !! | |
Hegel h200 low level listening I bought the Hegel 200 I could have bought the 300 which is more neutral And perhaps a bit better detail,but image density warmer tonal balance Fuller Bass the 200 is a more musical amplifier in my opinion.I did not think the Hegel would be suffic... | |
Hegel H200 The H200 is A very natural sounding integrated amp excellent high current Amp,fast tight articulate Bass .this is like a very good Vacuum tube amp with a deep soundstage and image focus the 300 gas a bit more locked on in the micro dynamics region... | |
LFD NCSE Hegel H200? LFD is a made is China product,then friend has the LFD signature ,and my Hegel H200 is better in every respect.go to Hegel webpage and read all the new patents and technologies in this unit .Their designer Ben a Holder said compared to... | |
CODA CSIb vs. HEGEL H-300 INTEGRATED I was moving towards the Coda then had the chance to hear the Hegel H200 ,personally I feel as well as the dealer and his staff a more natural sounding amplifier. Vs the coda the coda has more power ,and has very good dynamic drive a bit warmer th... | |
Looking for a high-quality 2-way speaker One thing that the Carmel's are not is Boomy, something else in the electronics chain Had to be created the any reviews on them ,even against Any $30k loudspeaker they shine as far as continuous ness ,imaging , Sound staging,as well a... | |
Hegel h200 low level listening Unless you are using long runs ,with equal quality rca,balanced a very slight difference soundstage slightly larger in Xlr mode ,but imaging withRCA perhaps a percent better. Not worth selling your other cables Unless everything is true balanced i... |