

Responses from audioman58

Which power cords have high resolutions and separation??
AQ Thunder are very good power cords ,and very nice Copper connectors, retail around $1k perrotta consultants  give very good service and pretty decent deals especially if you buy more then one item .  
Solid state to tube
Very important what speakers are being used, and what is their efficiency ?  
Ohio - Over the Rhine
It is most difficult to judge by your test ,for good quality digital with good quality Ethernet, usb, Ethernet switch power cords, interconnects  unless most are of equal quality , and for sure power cords, interconnects speaker cables have to b... 
Boutique caps in oil... reliable?
Most now have oil impregnated in the paper , they still have a few with oil  they are hermetically sealed  and seem to be fine .it was the older Audio note, land Jensen that used to have leaking issues ,in bat gear in the past issues were the Je... 
DACs that do well without a preamp
Running a dac direct especially at $2k not good even high end it’s sonically better sounding with a quality preamp section . In a preamp Alps pots, or Bourne are $25 and loss of detail is for sure ,that’s why I avoid any integratedthat has these,a... 
Do I need a streamer?
A standard computer makes way to much noise it’s power supply and many programs running in the back ground , for the money buy a small green computer  it’s just dedicated to one thing Music , add a decent linear power supply  ifyou add a 2-3T SS... 
Snake oil of the year?
A good network switch can and does make a Audible improvement  for example the Uptone Audio Ether regen  at $630  it absolutely works with many reviews , much better still is the Synergistic research Ethernet switch and power cord $2k. Is pretty ... 
Aurender N20 Streamer & Holo May DAC vs Analog
The Holo springs May KTE is a far better dac in absolute terms  but is not a streamer , the Aurender is nice ,they are known much more for their  streaming  many guys buy a high end dac, then get a good streamer  the dac by far is the most import... 
System that sounds so real it is easy to mistaken it is not live
Sadly the MBL system mentioned  was well over $150 k  their stand mount speakers the  126, and120   Use the Exact same Tweeter and midrange  units  that sit on top ,they have dual opposing wooferson the bottom  ,I am. Thinking about maybe the ver... 
System that sounds so real it is easy to mistaken it is not live
I have heard the Great MBL 101  speakers and  electronics ,it is better then many live events I have been to !!  
Rockport Atria II or Magico A5
TheA5 Magico are not clinical they are accurate and with a slightly warm character  having rebuilding Loudspeakers for  years the Mundorf Evo capacitors aluminum oil  are pretty tuneful , the Mundorf  Ultra Copper foil Resistors are the most acc... 
Streamer advice
Yes little green computer , you can add a nice 2-3 Terabyte of SS drive works nice  Roon ready .  
Pass labs upgrade path
It depends how much power you need, how big is the room  what most people don’t know Thst inside there are many upgrade paths as in parts quality Thst can be bettered  for example  Vishay naked resistors in smaller1/2 watt type , worlds best Bell... 
The character of analog and digital
Many times it’s the quality of the digital dac , and corresponding ,Ethernet hub, like a uptone ether regen , at decent cost ,or the much Much better  still synergistic research that’s 3 x as much ,you need very good quality usb cable I spent $15... 
Question About Capacitor Upgrade in Tube Amp
It all depends on the room ,if space is not a issue buy far the best is the  Duelund Tinned Copper foil paper oil caps , I have been modding for over 20 years and yes Humble homemade Hifi capacitor test is very informative , I-use Duelund in my ...