Rockport Atria II or Magico A5

I'm considering a change from my Focal Kanta 3s and will be auditioning Rockport Atria IIs and Magico A5s soon.  I've heard the Rockports and Magico S3 IIs together,  but not the A5s. Rockports more than held their own.   

Looking for opinions as to how either the Atrias or A5s would pair with my D'Agostino Progression Integrated and M Scaler/Dave   

My space is 15x21x14 ft and I stream Roon almost exclusively.   

My musical tastes are varied - classical, opera, jazz/blues, classic rock, indie  

I listen at moderate volumes and value clear separation between voices, but with a "coherent" sound overall if that makes sense.  This is what the Rockports seemed to achieve moreso than the Magico as I recall.  

Thanks and stay safe.  


I read every one of the above posts with intense interest.  What becomes obvious after reading them all is that the extraordinary differences in opinion (e.g., "wonderful imaging" / "terrible imaging") about both speakers is that the speaker is only part of the story -- the rest of one's audio equipment (from sources through cables) and the room in which all this audio equipment is playing are also critically important in determining what one is hearing.  Unfortunately, the likelihood of getting multiple dealers (in most cases) to haul hundreds of pounds of very expensive speakers many miles and then spend hours to install them optimally in a prospective customer's home is essentially nil.  This makes a purchase (even of Magico A5s or Rockport Atria IIs) a crap shoot, especially if the intent is to upgrade from what is already a "pretty good" set of loudspeakers.

What a mess!

TheA5 Magico are not clinical they are accurate and with a slightly warm character 

having rebuilding Loudspeakers for  years the Mundorf Evo capacitors aluminum oil 

are pretty tuneful , the Mundorf  Ultra Copper foil Resistors are the most accurate in the world , and used in the Loudspeaker purifiers purifiers ,vs any in the world !

and Mundorf inductors  the A5 is a great great , 

So, I will add this insight, even though this is Audiogon.

***I am a dealer - owner of Liquid HiFi *****

I think that it is important to find a dealer who will work with you to properly setup and properly equip the selected speaker to perform at it's best.

Whether you choose Rockport, Wilson, Magico, Stenheim, YG or other - the speakers will only perform at their best with proper electronics and often overlooked aspects liked grounding and network optimization.  Otherwise you are only hearing a fraction of what you should be for the money you spent on speakers.

Agreed.  Having spoken directly with Andy Payor I know he favors and largely voices his speakers with Gryphon, and I was surprised that Alon Wolf holds Hegel in high regard although he uses other electronics as well that I’m not privy to.