Responses from audiozen
questio about the new oppo bdp 103 The main power board in the left front of the $500.00 Oppo BDP-103 is an identical twin to the main power board in the $3500.00 Electrocompanient EMP2 Universal BluRay Player. Interesting... | |
PMC vs. Salk Sound Speakers. Which is better? Bigkidz..the price of a component means nothing? What a stupid statement. I have a metal lunch box I converted into an integrated amplifier with a five inch speaker on the side and a internal transistor radio amp that I can sell you for $10K. Beca... | |
PMC vs. Salk Sound Speakers. Which is better? You are correct..I just spoke to Jim Salk and he is using the 70-20 ribbon with a modified core. My eyes tricked me. Regarding Bose..are you kidding me? Bose speakers are not high end. Make good radios. Amar Bose filed a lawsuit in 1968 in a New Y... | |
PMC vs. Salk Sound Speakers. Which is better? Beyond Salk's capabilities? Baloney!! Jim Salk is a recording engineer and Dennis Murphy is an electrical engineer designer of crossover networks for many years. Salk speakers are also transmission line designs fine tunedto exact mathematical stan... | |
PMC vs. Salk Sound Speakers. Which is better? Glassy?...Murky?...boy, theres nothing worse than a murky speaker. Just goes to show that Audio Shows are not the proper venue to listen to speakers due to set up challenges and poor room acoustics. I listened to the Salk HT2-TL with a Parasound H... | |
PMC vs. Salk Sound Speakers. Which is better? The bottom line..when you buy a PMC your buying a Ford Focus with a nice paint job. Again, anyone who spends $14K on the PMC PB1i with a 40 pound wood cabinet, four low priced drivers and one crossover board with low priced parts should get a lobo... | |
PMC vs. Salk Sound Speakers. Which is better? Okay...I'll come clean as to why I really started this thread. Too see how many fools would reply that would be stupid enough to blow $14K on a pair of PMC PB1i speakers that is currently the most over priced speaker on the market. A rip off. I re... | |
PMC vs. Salk Sound Speakers. Which is better? Vapor1..your point is interesting...explain this..I have viewed many photo's over the years on the net of crossover boards in many different speakers and one thing thats in common with the top speaker companies and models selling above $10K is tha... | |
PMC vs. Salk Sound Speakers. Which is better? I checked out some photo's on the net of the crossover boards from Salk and PMC. The crossover board in the PMC PB1i is a stunning piece of work, very sophisticated with a generous amount of parts. Serious engineering. Looking at the crossover boa... | |
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ? As I recently indicated in another thread, Jeff Rowland hasjumped on the Pascal band wagon with two new Class D products that will be released in several weeks. Brandon Kelley at Rowland recently confirmed to me that Pascal is used in the new Cont... | |
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ? Guido..thanks for bringing to my attention in the Merrill Veritas thread the correct spelling of "Pasquale", which is Pascal. As I indicated in the Merrill Veritas thread, the Pascal class-D amps on the Pascal website and the photos on Google imag... | |
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances? Guido..thanks for mentioning Pascal. I checked out their website and Google images of their power modules. Very impressive work. It appears after looking at the photo's, that their amps look like identical twins to the amps being used by D-Sonic i... | |
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances? Guido..regarding corrected spellings, the name Pasquale was spelt to me by a Rowland dealer in California who attended the private demo at CES of the Continuum 2 integrated. I'm sure hes not aware of the correct spelling. Also, you continue to use... | |
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances? Guido..I back tracked and found one article regarding Hypexand Bruno paying Philips licensing fees to use the UcD technology he developed for Philips back in 2001 in which they own. Its a site that focuses on DIY readers. The site is enjoythemusic... | |
Aerial Acoustics vs. Joseph Audio Trelja..your comments are spot on describing the sound of the Perspectives based on the limited set up I heard them through on my headphones. The culprit could very well be that the Perspectives have a low sensitivity and are 8ohms,which were comm... |