Responses from avanti1960
Step up From Rogue RP-5 what is your bujet? | |
Step up From Rogue RP-5 @audibleguy yes, i had the RH 5 strictly as a linestage and absolutely loved it, should have kept it. extremely dynamic, neutral and transparent with a big tube soundstage. using the balanced connections sounded best. switchable gain was ver... | |
Advice from Audiogon family - best speaker $3k-$4k Your B&W are a perfect match for the McIntosh amplification. However they can be a little stogy in the midrange. Another excellent match with Mac amplifiers are the Klipsch Heritage. The Forte IV sound excellent paired with your amplifi... | |
Need Recommendations for a pair of Speakers around $1,000 These PSB towers do it all- massive no sub required bass, near horn like sensitivity and dynamics, coherent imaging and sound stage. I have not heard or owned a better audio value than these. https://nationwidestereo.com/product/psb-imagine-x2t... | |
Mixed Brand Pre-Amp Power Amp Pairings that Work Many times better sound than two of the same brand. I tried the same brand approach for elegance's sake and it wasn't that great. For me Cary Audio tube pre, Pass Labs Class A power. Amazingly good. | |
XLR Female to RCA Plug Adapter I use (2) Neutrik XLR female to male RCA connectors for my preamp to amp cables. I use the XLR output and cables then use the adaptor before the input to my power amp. Check with the manufacturer of the XLR output device to make sure it's OK... | |
Your sub experience: Easy or hard? Not difficult but it is a process and the more of a perfectionist you are the more knowledge and tools you will need. Depends greatly on the subwoofer (RELs are by far the easiest because of their passive radiator) and the speakers (speakers with... | |
Warm Tube Amp(s) to Tame Hyper-Accurate Speakers? @alphonsodamato please take note of the suggestions I mentioned in the D9.2 run in thread. however amplifiers and tubes (with tube amps) do also make a difference. My D7s sounded excellent with a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II as well as a Rog... | |
The strong opinions around ceramic speakers The better applications of ceramic driver speakers sound amazing- e.g. Marten, Von Schwiekert. Some others have a cupped twinge to the upper mids that is unacceptable especially Revel and Ayon | |
Spendor D9.2 Run In They may not ultimately be the speaker for you but it is too early too tell. my D7 Spendors took at least 200 solid hours for the bass to become pronounced and the treble to smooth out. the bass has to bloom as one way to balance the mids and ... | |
Many higher end preamps are dated and ugly, why is this? | |
Has anyone compared Rogue RP-7 to Cary SLP05 and / or Audio Research Ref 5se? Congrsts! You are going to love it. definitely a made by mullsrd off label gz34 rectifier f32. the stock sovtek sounds dull by comparison and blew out in mine after 3 months taking fuses with it. i have tried lots of 6SN7 and the EH are ea... | |
The new Rogue pharaoh II slams I heard the new Pharaoh at AXPONA this year and the sound was gawdawful. Bright, poor refinement and too much midbass. Could have been the speakers (Triangle Trio), | |
Has anyone compared Rogue RP-7 to Cary SLP05 and / or Audio Research Ref 5se? Hi testrun, I owned the RP-7 and currently own the SLP-05. I usually love rogue audio products having owned the cronus magnum ii, RH-5 linestage / headphone amp and stereo 100 power amp. unfortunately the RP-7 was a disappointment from the ... | |
Is the Cary SLP-05 still relavant? I looked at Supratek before buying my SLP 05 and there were a number of issues that kept me from ordering one. Long lead time like 6 months plus was one, no balanced connections and limited number of inputs were other issues. Also the web si... |