Responses from avanti1960
Rogue Audio Dark Upgrade. @mulveling thanks for your insight on the dark upgrade. i am on the fence about a stereo 100 basic or dark. | |
Which tube spots for which affects? i had a blackhawk and loved it. all three small tubes matter. beg, borrow or steal 2 amperex bugle boy 12AT7 for the preamp tubes. amazingly open, transparent and dynamic. i also used rca 12AU7 5963 black plates in the back row and sylvania ... | |
Klipsch Forte IV ... what amp ? @doyle3433 try a rogue stereo 100! dont know how but it blows away the atlas, a much much more powerful amp with bigger bass despite the same 100 WPC. | |
Cartridge upgrade???? I have an ortofon cadenza blue, sounds very good but my lyra delos sounds much better and is the best i have ever heard. the Audio Technica ART9XI is close and a giant value, blows away anything lower than its price including hana ml, dynavecto... | |
Spendor A7 in a 9X11 Room? yes. the bottom port and neutral presentation lets you place them close to walls. i love the spendor sound. | |
Looking for warm tube preamp (should pair well with Pass power amp), budget $6000 usec cary slp05 on sale now. the slp 05 is awesome and makes you understand just how much a preamp can do! I pair mine with a Pass XA25. wonderful sound. https://www.ebay.com/itm/353966567192 | |
Best MC Cartridge Pairing for Technics SL-1210 GAE? AR9XI is an awesome choice even with the black cube seii. If you have the budget a Lyra Delos (my current champ) is the best sounding cart i have owned, better than the ortofon cadenza blue, AT ART9 and Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC star ES. | |
Any truth to my feeling that MM carts are possibly better than MC on rock recordings? Not for me. I had one of the best MM cartridges in an Ortofon 2M Black. Sounded very good compared to other MM cartridges I had but compared to my LOMCs the black was left in the dust for all music but especially rock. It lacked dynamics, sound... | |
Is it me? Will I ever be satisfied? It can be a rabbit hole for sure but if your system does not sound great I would hold off on buying anything else until you research and experiment as to why specifically it doesn't. electronics, tubes, speakers and cartridges take many hours t... | |
Axpona You have to ask :) ? Having been to many AXPONA shows I absolutely love them. Look at the vendor list and target the rooms that interest you the most. lots of industry experts will be there to talk shop. with every conceivable system topology a... | |
Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile Definitely good news for schiit and audiophiles looking to spend less. however the idea that it competes with $50k preamps is simply not true. Owning many class A products past and present whether stated or implied the rating applies to produc... | |
Using Two Subwoofers with Two 2-Channel Amplifiers. one amp feeding the two subwoofers should work well. connect the high level leads direcly to the used speaker terminals on the amp, left to left, right to right. | |
Does carpet deaden the sound too much? no. but coming from another direction is your system less lively with every source or just vinyl if you have it? it is quite feasible to have a super dynamic, lively system even with carpeting and acoustic panels which improve the sound in oth... | |
Rogue Pharaoh II vs Naim Supernait 3 for Revels The pharaoh sounds much better thsn the sphinx. the pharaoh is much smoother, cleaner, has huge bass depth and punch. the bass punch is super impressive. no contest really as it should be with an amp that costs 3X as much. | |
which amp for bedroom system with harbeth 7es-3 XD I had the Rogue Stereo 100 and it would be a good match with the C7ES (which I also owned) but they sounded better with my old rogue audio cronus magnum ii which has become quite a classic pairing with the C7s. not recommending the cronus magnu... |