Responses from avanti1960
Is the Cary SLP-05 still relavant? I looked at Supratek before buying my SLP 05 and there were a number of issues that kept me from ordering one. Long lead time like 6 months plus was one, no balanced connections and limited number of inputs were other issues. Also the web si... | |
5AR4 rectifier tube question @dinov oh but it does. i have tried 5 5ar4 / GZ34 rectifiers in my Cary preamp and they all make it sound different. there are clear winners and losers. | |
Hifi Rose RA180 I heard it at AXPONA. Crystal clear, transparent and power to spare. Of course the $20,000.00 Piega coaxial ribbon speakers had a contribution. Very impressed. | |
High End Quality Retailers in the Chicago, Il Area Decibel Audio in Chicago. Great helpful people and generous policies. Rogue Audio, Harbeth, KEF, Rega, etc. | |
New Luxman 507Z yet the sound is better. | |
Competitive class D amp suggestions Just heard the Rose Audio integrated- GaN class D 400 wpc. Very nice. | |
Axpona 2022 what impressed you? Money no object the VAC / Von Schweikert room sounded literally perfect- deep rich perfectly balanced bass, midrange transparency with no coloration and an insanely delicate top end. I loved the vibrancy of the Audio Note room and rate it second ... | |
Looking for a new (preowned OK) line stage under $5K: suggestions? +1 Cary Audio SLP 05. A great match in my system with my Pass XA25. | |
New Luxman 507Z I listened to the 507Z at AXPONA last Friday, apparently the only one in existence. The sound to my ears was a big improvement over their previous class A or AB integrated amps. Gone is the overtly smooth and forgiving presentation in favor of... | |
KEF Meta Reference 1's? anyboy heard them? heard them the other day driven by a hegel H390 amp. recessed midrange, midbass coloration, poor bass depth and extension. at least the metallic treble was gone. not a fan of the KEF reference series and consider them some of the worst re... | |
$1500 tube amp for La Scalas? You want an integrated amp. The LaScallas need more power than people realize. I heard them with a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum and the sound was fantastic. Look for a used one- Here is one right here- lots of power and great sound. Jump on ... | |
5AR4 rectifier tube question @immatthewj i am unable to link the correct page on ebay. tried several time but it keeps defaulting to the wrong page. just search "mullard GZ34 GE" and the listing will come up. see second pic for the notches. | |
5AR4 rectifier tube question don't agree. the older variety in particular f32 4-notch sound the best and I have tried most except metal base. however the newer vintage do sound better than most NP. @immatthewj this is exactly like my best sounding rectifier, a GE ... | |
Pass INT-25 better than Wilsenton R8? i documented my xa25 journey from new to burn in in another forum. it sounded very good out of the box but became velvety smooth after accumulating hours. in fact in the beginning i had to put the speaker grilles back on to help augment the ... | |
Is a separate phono pre really necessary? Sutherland 20 20 is awesome and has flexible loading. Of more importance is your VTA using the Soundsmith on the Rega arm. You should consider adding shims to raise the tonearm 3mm or so, rega carts are only 14mm tall. add shims so that the... |