
Responses from barrysandy

Who do you like for equipment mods?
Not sure why I didn't mention it above, but Bill Thalmann at Music Technology in Springfield, VA outside of DC does terrific work. He worked for Conrad Johnson and has been doing repairs and mods for a very long time (and to prove it - he is alway... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
slowikpl  Anything over 10 uF could take at least 200 hrs on the cable cooker and possibly more given the size of them.  You might want to try the Duelund silver foil and wax and oil bypass on a tweeter cap for speakers for that last little bit of... 
Audiocap Theta Audyn True Copper Mundorf Supreme
I’m rather partial to the Jupiter Copper Foil Paper & Wax caps in electronics (not the ones mentioned above). Very nice. Manageable size. Just used them in a major parts replacement in my Pass Labs XVR-1 3 way XO. Helps to burn them in on a ca... 
Rel subs with Magnepan 3.6's
Another vote for the Rythmik Audio F15HP. Get 2. Build quality on these is second to none. I’m using one with my 3.6s as well some subwoofer towers. I like the idea of the open baffle/ dipole except for the extra build work involved. Despite the t... 
6sn7 or 6sl7
The absolute best 6SL7 is the Mullard ECC35 CV569 brown base which are rare as hen's teeth. Fortunately, there are the Tung Sol black glass 6SU7 GTYs which sound just as good and can be found if you look. Both are NOS. Both can last 10,000 hours. ... 
Dynaco FM-5 Tuner. Is it still worth the money to service and possibly upgrade??
Sony HD hmmm - not really. The best tuners (see website with most natural sound are vintage ones and come from the 70’s & 80s. Top of the line models from Kenwood, Sansui, Marantz are highly sought after for a reason. Look at ... 
You might have more luck over at the DIY Audio website.  The only person that really did any mods to these was Mike. The cached info for the preamp on his website is here if you don't have it: 
I'm using the SA 7S1.  Really great sound for SACD/CD if you're not the type that likes an analytical sound. Have had no problems over the years that I've owned it. Built like a tank. Reasonable prices used. Haven't really felt compelled to upgrade. 
The one component that you wish you had not bought
Oh no, not the Crown IC-150! I doubled down. I bought it and the D-150 companion amp. Ugh, ugh, ugh! Hard as nails. I did not like the Phase Linear 700B much either but the 400 had hidden potential if modified. I also didn't get all the fuss about... 
Falcon PSU & Tach
In business? Yes. Probably really, really busy. You can even buy these through Amazon.  I would get the Eagle to avoid any heat issues and I think it's the right one for your TT anyway. Google Phoenix Engineering and you'll find a lot of informati... 
What Cartridge please?
Well, I don't know, Dave. Once you heard the Lyra Etna maybe you would move up from a Denon DL110.... I really like it.    
Your "eureka" analog moment
bdp24I have not heard the London Reference but I'm sure it is terrific based on what I've read. I owned two MK Vs and a Gold throughout the 70s-early 80s.  The quality control on the Gold was "bad beyond belief" and even though I seem to like audi... 
Your "eureka" analog moment
First eureka moment was the Decca MK5 cartridge. Wow. Cured what totally ailed me about the Shure type II Improved.  Improved? Next was this 2 months ago. Installed the Lyra Etna. I had no idea. Absolutely breath-taking. 
Philly Record Store Day fail
Might also want to try the Mad Platter in West Chester PA 
Adcom - To modify or not?
Don't invest in upgrading the Adcom as several amp parts are proprietary (including output transistors) and are no longer obtainable. You won't be able to fix it if anything goes seriously wrong. I owned an Adcom 5802, the later model, and was una...