Responses from barrysandy
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil Haven't looked at the Dunlavy's parts values and you might not need it but.... Most people here have not used big caps or inductors in their crossover. If the caps are really big, especially if > 15uF, the Cable Cooker is essential or it will t... | |
Cables that are more enhanced than Acoustic Zen I'll be interested to see the responses. Cables are a "black hole". I really like the AZ Matrix II and Hologram II stuff. The Silver Reference II is ok in small doses with the Matrix IIs. Tried the Absolute ICs and was not fond of them but perhaps... | |
RTR esr 15 info Wow! A tidal wave of nostalgia sweeps over me. I own a pair of Infinity 2000As, one of my favorite speakers of all times, owned RTR-ESR6s and also own a pair of T IDs. Yes, maybe 30 years ago I did the RTR line source with the Tymps. There's a bit... | |
Looking to replace Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference Not a cable expert but if you're looking for more extension on top and on bottom I don't think you will find much difference at your price point. In my system which has useable response below 20Hz and has a ribbon tweeter, I don't find the AZ ICs ... | |
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil Most people, 4 years ago? Maybe. Just a reminder that the first technical "Picking Capacitors" article by Richard Marsh & Walt Jung appeared in Audio magazine in August 1980.This thread certainly continues to have a high interest level for all... | |
Audio Research Ref 250s for Magnepan 20.1s? If you try bi-amping, I'm sure you'll like the incredible flexibilty of the XVR-1 not to mention it's minimal sonic signature. You might consider sticking with the 20.1s, bi-amped with the Ref150s as an alternative to the Ref250s and the 20.7s. | |
What is the single best pre amp you have ever hear Kennyt I agree on the Ref 40! | |
Opinion on the GFA 5802 Not a lot. The 5802 has higher output by 50 watts/ch but the 5800 is a little heavier by 8 lbs. - maybe larger transformer although I can't be sure as they look very similar. | |
Opinion on the GFA 5802 The 5800 and 5802 models were based on contracted design work done by Nelsen Pass. I have owned both. I liked the 5800 better sonically as it had a noticeably better bottom end in my system (deeper, more impact). I did not like the fan noise howev... | |
Audio research REF 5 SE / REF 40th Ann compared ? Let's start with economics and forget the diminishing returns. There's a mint Ref 40 on A'gon for $11.9K and a 5SE for $10.5K. That Ref 40 is $10K less than I paid on a discounted basis less than 1 year ago. I haven't heard the 5SE, but the Ref 40... | |
CounterPoint SA-3000 Fixed and Upgraded Thank You Glad to hear you're back in business. Johnson seems very knowledgeable and I hope he is able to help others out with restoring their beloved Counterpoint components! | |
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil Well Volleyguy you really would like the Cast inductors. No noise I can hear, excellent dynamics, tonal color, and immediacy. Put them in my 3.6s. Go for it. As for electrolytics it's too bad the Black Gates are no longer available as they have th... | |
This may sound a bit silly but why are so many Mitch. Not happening! My wife will get the best of me (just like Lorena Bobbit) if I ever buy any stereo component this expensive again. Regards Barry | |
This may sound a bit silly but why are so many It is as good as they say & no one's buying mine! That said, everyones taste is different, several early units were sold to the trade at a discount so they won't lose much, others like trying the "flavor of the month", and at this price level ... | |
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil David: To burn the parts, you must first DISCONNECT and REMOVE the speakers from the crossover network. They can NOT be connected to the cooker. The inputs of the crossover are the speaker cable connections side; the outputs of the crossover are w... |