Responses from barrysandy
Counterpoint SA-3.1 and 5.1 SA-5.1 Uses two 6DJ8 types in the phono stage, two 6DJ8 type in the line stage, one 6CA4 type, one 5651, one 6JC6A and one 6GC5. | |
Counterpoint SA-3.1 and 5.1 all info is from the Jan 2014 site is Here: | |
capacitors to Thrshold S/160 amp You need to find a pair of 100V Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors with Screw Terminals which can be easily purchased from either Mouser, Digikey or Newark in the US. The originals were Mallory brand but it doesn't matter. You must be careful to mea... | |
Which Pre-Amp Pass Labs or Audio Research I posted a response in my system description but here are some further thoughts. I don't think tube usage would be an issue with the Ref5 unless you leave the preamp on all the time. My Ref40 warms up in an hour and doesn't sound much better after... | |
Phase Linear 700 & 400 series II Bill is right --- abused, very nice sounding, and hold their own. The biggest weakness of these were their poor wiring layout and small power supplies which caused instability at high power outputs which are easily fixed. A modified Phase Linear 4... | |
Which Pre-Amp Pass Labs or Audio Research I have owned the Pass XP-20 as well ARC Anniversary Ref 40. Very, very different sounding and you'll hear that difference immediately. It's hard to say which you would prefer as you don't say why you are dissatisfied with your current sound and wh... | |
the best amps for bass, best for the rest? I would have voted for Krell but picked the stereo EVO 2250e and saved the difference to spend on your main amps. That was until I saw your music preference.... If you go back to your roots -- lovely bagpipes, fiddles, and tin whistles, my origina... | |
Does hybrid amp really has the best of both world? Sometimes. I have a pair of Platinum Plus Counterpoint NP-220s driving Magnepan 3.6s. You only hear the sound of the voltage gain front end tube section, in this case the beautiful sounding Mullard ECC35 CV569s with all their virtues. You get abou... | |
London Decca I owned several Decca Mk Vs many years ago and loved them all. Immediacy with the Decca cartridges is unparalleled. The quality control back then was somewhat variable (sort of like British sports cars of the time) and required purchase from a rep... | |
Kl Audio LP200 ultrasonic record cleaner insights I bought one of these recently too. Haven't used it much yet but waaay easier to use than a VPI. set it and walk away. Record surfaces are pristine when you hold the LP up to the light. Sonics much quieter. | |
best match power amp for Acoustic Research AR 3 I had the AR integrated with a pair of AR-5s many years ago. Beautiful piece. Sound--- hard as nails. Vintage solid state. Just about any modern design will sound better, maybe Parasound or Adcom? | |
Anyone own an AudioDharma cable cooker? What they said, read the web site and experiment. Benefits are lower noise floor and u can hear more deeply into the sound stage. May be worth repeating every 6 months for 4-6 hours. I've had ICs I've used for 2-3 years that sounded much better af... | |
ARC Ref 3: Tung-Sol 6550 in power supply? Let's hope Kevin's current batch isn't the one I've been sampling over the past 2 years. I've bought at least 10 pairs from Upscale! There aren't a lot of reasonably priced and trustworthy sources for these. | |
ARC Ref 3: Tung-Sol 6550 in power supply? Also liked the stock ARC Sovteks better than the NOS Reflektor 6H30-DRs in the power supply. | |
ARC Ref 3: Tung-Sol 6550 in power supply? I like the Sed 6550 Winged Cs better than the WEs in my Ref Anniversary. |