
Responses from bdgregory

Has anyone heard this?
thanks for sharing Bwos. I had never heard it, nor of him or his music. The samples are interesting - I just ordered a copy. 
What is your source for discovering new music?
Mainly recommendations for me. But I will pick up things on a whim in the used record store (like Elizabeth) too. 
Best LP since Waters left Pink Floyd?
I think The Division Bell sounds more like Pink Floyd than anything Waters has done on his own. I agree. "Momentary Lapse" too. I like Waters' solo stuff a lot but don't think it's at all like Pink Floyd. When I bought Division Bell in the early '... 
Best LP since Waters left Pink Floyd?
I've always been partial to the two Pink Floyd albums - "Division Bell" and "Momentary Lapse . . .". Hard to chose which I like better, but I like both better than the latter PF w/RW albums (eg "The Final Cut") 
TAD 60 Power Tubes
SED Wing "C" EL34's are very nice in the TAD 60. I also really liked Valve Art KT88s 
Endless debate: monitor + sub vs floorstanding
Get a Rel sub. I have 2 setups - one room with Monitors and sub, the other with full range floorstanders. They are very different in character which is owed to much more than the monitor vs full range difference, but both setups are great. You alr... 
Tube rolling in TAD 150 and Jolida 100cd
this just my limited experience, but I was running Amperex Bugelboy 12AT7s in my TAD 150 sig since I bought it a few years ago. They were quite good, but recently one of them went microphonic, so I swapped them out today for some Mullard 6201's (w... 
Two Channel Amp or 5 Channel Biamp
I'm not familiar with either of these amps but have toyed with passive biamping as you're contemplating quite a bit. It rarely provides improvement. You should go with the better amp (channel for channel), which I assume is the Threshold. It's ver... 
the guess who vs the rock and roll hall of fame
The Guess Who would be in long before Alice Cooper if it were up to me. 
Audioquest PT6 or mod'd RB250?
I've had 2 PT-6's, and 2 RB300's - one RB300 was rewired with the structural mod (aka heavy weight) and a VTA nut. I had them at the same time and preferred the PT-6. I'm running a Clearaudio arm on one table now, and a Roksan on another and both ... 
Audioquest PT6 or mod'd RB250?
I prefer the PT6 in every way. 
B&K 200.5 S2 Power Amp problem - Please help
If you run a dedicated outlet of 20A breaker and outlet to an Amp that has a 15A fuse, I`m quite sure you will blow the main fuse on the amp due to allowing 20A come through a 15A fuse. . . . very funny. 
Do you leave your components on 24/7?
I leave my primary systems on 24/7 (3 of them in rooms I use each day), except for the tube components (preamps). I have several "auxiliary" systems in rooms that don't get much use, and those systems are off except when I'm in the room. 
Favorite Bert Jansch solo CD
I have Crimson Moon on CD, and Rosemary Lane on vinyl. Both are excellent. If you like the Pentangle, you'll like them, no question. 
Adcom GFA-565's or Eagle 400 mono blocks
as I said . . . you won't find anything that touches them.