
Discussions bigkidz has started

Review: Acoustic Zen Hologram II Speaker cable4700613
Review: Sony SC-D777es CD Player690610
High priced power cords and power conditioners????440611
Review: Audience & Shunyata AU24 Speaker cable60164
Review: Acuosutic Zen/Shunyata Tsunami/Taipan Power cord44610
Pass Labs Service1056021
Any Lamm LL2 Deluxe Owners???30623
Sony SCAD Stopped WOrking35907
DIY cable information wanted40123
DC Leakage and dealer issues46829
Review: Audio Research LS-25 mkII Tube preamp241247
Review: Pass Labs X-250 Amplifier1976410
Review: Acoustic Zen Tsunami Power cord2503510
Speakers 2K- 3K range used or new571016