Responses from bluorion
From tubes back to SS? @prof That's a great story---I have found that many CJ owners are quite loyal to the brand. I've never owned anything in the audio world that's as hi-end as a CJ or LTA. The closest I've ever come to that was Canton speakers, Nakamichi and B &... | |
From tubes back to SS? @tuckia08 The CJ ET6 does replace the ET3 I believe---at least that's what I've read. The LTA is slowly pulling me in. I have also glanced at Cary Audio's SLP98 and Rogue's RP5. But the LTA and CJ and #1 and 2 on the list. There are so many good o... | |
From tubes back to SS? @tuckia08 Thats great info since I'm a newbie to tubes. How do you think the new CJ ET6 compares to the LTA? I've read/heard great things about CJs. Some people on Audiogon don't like the relay 'clicks' on the volume control of the LTA preamp. I'm... | |
From tubes back to SS? @abucktwoeighty Wow! Do all tubes hiss or hum? Or is it a brand thing? I've been looking at Linear Tube Audio preamp and Conrad-Johnson's new ET6. If they hiss or hum then that would worry me. | |
From tubes back to SS? Lots of good points but I guess the only way to know is to try it out. I can always go back like many of you. I still haven't made up my mind---lots of research and taking into account many comments here. And the journey continues... | |
Music lover or audiophile? For me, music came first. My family had 45s, albums and 8-track tapes. We had radios playing all the time. Most of the restaurants we went to back then had juke boxes. I used to love to get some spare change to play records in the juke boxes.I had... | |
Best 80s New Wave @simao Roxy Music and The Cure? Of course they're new wave. The Fixx were really good too. | |
Best 80s New Wave @gunners01 Great lists!! Several people have listed groups I totally forgot about. New wave was so much fun and so many young people are into the music. My cousin (in her early 20s) loves Joy Division, PSB and many others.Here are a few I remember... | |
Audio racks Thanks for the great suggestions--I've never heard of Symposium Acoustics. Nice stuff.It's amazing to see the price differences b/w some of these builders for racks that look very much alike. One of the issues I have is that I prefer a 5 shelf sys... | |
Best 80s New Wave @jplunkettj Kissing the Pink (KTP) was a cool band---I remember the club mix of Certain Things are Likely | |
Best 80s New Wave @mitchagain Great list!! I love M & M---Echo Beach and Black Stations/White Stations. I've got CDs or vinyl of just about every artist you listed. Honorable mentions:REM (early)Prefab SproutIcehouseRomeo VoidOcean BlueThe BelovedErasurePete S... | |
Brick & mortar or chains Thanks @douglas_schroeder Good points! I guess I'm being a little nostalgic too. I plan to go to the Washington DC audio show this November (my first) and hopefully my first AXPONA next year. I've learned so much by just reading discussions on A... | |
What are you streaming tonight? New Order - Dreams never end from Movement (2015 remaster). On the back porch with a cold beer enjoying the nice weather. | |
Best 80s New Wave @vespacraig1966 Absolutely---You & Me Both was also a good album. Early Bananarama and Dead or Alive were huge club acts. You can't turn on a radio in the summer and not hear 'Cruel summer' somewhere. | |
Best 80s New Wave @jplunkettj Blancmange is such an underrated 80s band. When I first heard 'Don't tell me' in a club back in the day, I immediately went out and bought the 12" single.Let's not forget Nina Hagen! |