Responses from bluorion
Audio Troy Capital Audio Fest the good, the bad and the ugly! This was my very first audio fest experience and we had a great time. We started early on Saturday morning since we were staying in the hotel. I noticed that most of the 'early birds' were older folks but as the day went on, there were more younge... | |
Another help me spend money thread or maybe not.... going to AXPONA Hi---I heard Sanders amps recently at Capital AudioFest. I was really impressed so here's my question: I don't have electrostatic speakers so can they be used with my Dynaudio Special 40s? | |
Time to buy a class D amp? I have a Modwright tube preamp and Bel Canto amp----great sound, excellent synergy. Definitely check out Bel Canto. Good luck! | |
Most annoying song, period. Old town road! Such a horrible song. And just about any new 'Bro-country' song out there. | |
Most annoying song, period. Rhianna - Umbrella | |
From tubes back to SS? @wolf_garcia I've heard good things about the Schiit----even better at the price range too. I eventually ended up with the Modwright SWL 9.0 SE tube preamp to go with my Bel Canto amp. Beautiful sound---great synergy. I absolutley love it. And it'... | |
From tubes back to SS? @mrearl I finally got a tube preamp and so far I'm loving the sound with the SS amp. There definitely was a difference once I switched out my integrated. I finally get the whole 'tube' thing. | |
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other??? My first Class D amp is a Bel Canto REF500S----my preamp is a Modwright and they have a great synergistic sound. Definitely check out Bel Canto. Good luck! | |
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other??? My first Class D amp is a Bel Canto REF500S----my preamp is a Modwright and they have a great synergistic sound. Definitely check out Bel Canto. Good luck! | |
... WHAT POWER CORD(S) ARE PLAYING IN YOU SYSTEM TODAY? WyWires Blue series Juice II Power cords with WyWires RCAs. | |
I went from Class D to Luxman A/AB - And most of what you think is wrong For what its worth, I've had SS integrated amps for most of my life. I finally made the plunge this year and upgraded my system. I listened to quite a few preamps and amps and ended up getting a Modwright tube preamp and a Bel Canto amp. Wow! What... | |
Media: Should we start hoarding? I had an old Marantz CD/laserdisc player from the mid-90s. Hadn't used it in many years. I decided to post it on Facebook Marketplace and sold it for a good price within 2 hours!! I'm really surprised how what sells and knowing people still collec... | |
The Golden era of Japanese integrated amps, are we missing out? I've heard (and read) some good things about the Luxman 500 series integrated amps. I just replaced a Marantz integrated for a proper preamp and amp. I'm going to keep the Marantz for my vintage system. | |
what is it in audio that you dislike most? Great topic. I wish Hifi audio was more diverse in its followers. I'd like to see more young people and people from different walks of life in this hobby. We all listen to such a diverse amount of music but the typical audiophile profile doesn't f... | |
What’s really hurting the audio hobby? Besides the poor sales experience in audio stores, here's another possible reason young people aren't into quality equipment. When I got into hifi, it was the mid-80s. The music scene was incredible---alternative rock, alternative dance, house etc... |