Responses from bo1972
Is it possible to have Good Imaging close to wall Here in the Nethelands people in audio Always find the demos with MBL Omnis one of the worst of the whole show.Often it sounds harsh. It does not come even close to the 3 Dimensional stage I can create. People from the business and many audio love... | |
Elrod statement vs Shunyata anaconda zitrons Comparing will make clear what you prefer. It is that easy.Just enjoy it. | |
Speaker decision $ Class D amps are not sterile, that is a thing for sure. The first ones could be quite harsh. These days it is a different world.But when I compare the best Class D amps with the best Class A amps. They still have more flavors in the mid freq. Comp... | |
Audioquest Water Another new name will be Fire.....Burn M...F.... Burn! | |
Top brand speakers hahahahahahahaha...yessss Bose..... | |
Is it possible to have Good Imaging close to wall I have the Monitor Audio PL-200 loudspeakers. I bought them also because they are developed to be used close to the wall.When you use an amp which can give a wide and deep stage. You get an extreme holographic and physical stage. In their price ra... | |
Speaker decision $ To get a musical sound and a 3 dimensional stage: Pathos. | |
Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p? From 2005-2007 I did visit many people with sets from 8000 dollar till 180000 dollar. I had about 6 times people with Wilson speakers.A speaker always will be a personal matter. It depends what you prefer. They all had one thing in common. They ha... | |
Transparent digital vs. Anaconda digital At a few shops we had the same thoughts. Also at the distributer We heard the same kind of image we don't like.I would suggest lend some Purist Audio Limited Edition and compare them. Then you know...... | |
Speaker decision $ Monitor Audio uses very good crossovers. But....most audio shops use 2 dimensional amps. They will sound like many other. When you use an amp what can give a deep and wide stage it changes. That is why I only sell amps which can give a wide and de... | |
Speaker decision $ Noooooooooooooooo Class D. The primare class D are for class D vey good. But if you want to go for stunning you need to look for better. Used XA30.5 is stunning with the GX200. The GX200 have on of the best crossovers in their price range. So use ... | |
Transparent digital vs. Anaconda digital Often at shows when Shunyata is used the image is too big. I go to shows with people who are also know in this world. We have the same thoughts. Shunyata does not use silver, only copper. I can create things what with copper is not possible. I hav... | |
Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs If I were you I would make my own cables. Czarivey Technology. You will become rich :) | |
Elrod statement vs Shunyata anaconda zitrons Purist Audio powercables also can give you stunning blacks. The level in physical image of voices and instruments becomes more apparent and round. The other thing what it of a higher level with Purist Audio is the articulation of voices. Word endi... | |
Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs gazillion....mmmm nice word :) |