
Responses from bpoletti

Ugraditus is calling....again. Phono stage?
uber - I also own a Herron VTPH-2a and am more than satisfied.  But impedance matching is critical at every point in the chain.  I'm using all Herron Audio equipment, so it doesn't make any difference for me.My suggestion is to call Keith Herron a... 
Would you change your amp selection knowing...?
I would change my amp selection to favor a designer that actually knows what they're doing.  If they are clueless enough to design an amp that would go into oscillation under a cap load, then they aren't worth owning, don't qualify in the marketpl... 
Ripped off, any ideas?
Do you know any members of the Corleone family?  Do you have a trustworthy Godfather?   
Pick A Tube Phono Preamp, but not just any Tube Phono Preamp
I might suggest that you give Keith Herron a call.  I have found him most engaging.  Maybe start talking pricing options.  What's the worst he could say?   
Which preamp for a pass labs?
My OPINION....  Even if electronics are fully balanced from end-to-end, it doesn't matter.  The "balanced" effect is all myth and hype.  Noise is NOT appreciably reduced since it is in the system REGARDLESS of the design of the interconnects.  It ... 
Pick A Tube Phono Preamp, but not just any Tube Phono Preamp
Might as well swing for the fences and get a Herron VTPH-2a.  Nothing better, few if any as good.  Can directly handle HOMC and LOMC.  Easy external loading.  Best phono stage I've heard.  I own one and wouldn't own any other.  Any other would be ... 
Dated but still A rated DACs
Who cares if a device is "A rated" or unrated. Those ratings are just subjective opinions of reviewers that may have certain "motivations" unrelated to how a unit may actually perform. 
Which preamp for a pass labs?
If I had to choose between an ARC LS 25 Mk2 andd a Pass Labs XC-10 (or -12), I'd get a Herron Audio VTSP-360.  Smokes both and takes no prisoners.  No point in using "balanced cables" since they do nothing at all to improve the quality of a standa... 
Herron VTPH-2A, Herron VTSP-360 and Herron M2
I have heard them though not the VTSP-360 in my system.  It was in a system I'm very familiar with playing known recordings.  I heard a pair M2 some time back and they were a step up from the M1.  I am still using M1s in my system.  For now.  I am... 
Which watts are the right watts in SS amps?
The right watts are what you hear in the showroom that impressed you enough to buy the amp in the first place.  The rest of the watts are what you hear at home when you try to get the amp to sound as good as when you laid out that hard-earned cash. 
Phono Stage Recommendation $3000
I guess you could call Keith Herron.  That's how I got mine.  Phone number should be somewhere on his website. 
Phono Stage Recommendation $3000
BTW, NOTHING MATTERS except what a specific phono stage sounds like.  All Raul's pontification and lack of engineering credibility don't hold water.  The only thing that does is performance.  Tubes have shown many times to be superior to solid sta... 
Phono Stage Recommendation $3000
Raul - A couple of quick questions for clarification of your extremely articulate and insightful comment....Are transistors actually more linear than tubes?  Please cite your specific evidence.When did you actually hear a Herron Audio Phono Stage ... 
Phono Stage Recommendation $3000
Go for a Herron Audio VTPH-2A.  I have heard nothing better at any price, nothing equaling it anywhere near it's price.   
LP's... Do they sound better now than 30 yrs ago?
LPs still sound as good as they did 30 years ago.  The MAJOR difference is that the new equipment we are using to reproduce LPs provides us with sound quality that far surpasses any other souses developed since the introduction of LPs.  It's not a...