Responses from brauser
Dunlavy SC-IVa how best driven I have the Dunlavy SC-V(s) and am quite familiar withthe entire Dunlavy line. One thing for sure is that Dunlavyspeakers love high current designs. In fact, I believe thedeep clean bass potential with these speakers is unsurpassed. I have had terr... | |
Legacy Focus...why?? I have listened thoroughly to the Focus and quite honestlyfound it to be an incredibly bad speaker ( especialy for the money). There are some real champs out there such as theDunlavys,Martin Logans, Quads ...It just makes me wonderwhy anyone in th... | |
What turntable for 1000 Sota with an ET-2 arm and a Micro Benz Glider. Mount it ona Mapleshade base with brass conepoints and watch it smashthe competition up to 10x the cost. | |
What are you trying to tweak improve? Mapleshade has some incredible tweeks that live up totheir billing. Talk to Pierre. He knows tweeks! | |
Best looking / worst looking amps & preamps I have always liked the Audio Research stuff in silver.Very classic. Quad and Naim both have produced some realugly items through the years. | |
How grills affect? I have the Dunlavy SC-V (s) and there is no question that the speakers sound more definitive with the grills off. | |
Klipschorns I have had a fair amount of exposure to the Klipschornsand I can really tell you first hand that it is a 'classic'but very tired and old design for a speaker. First, it justis not very accurate. Secondly, the imaging is just wayexagerated. Thirdly... | |
Would you like to know about Dunlavy mods? I would just like to thank all of you for your interestinginput. I'm not sure if I'm up to the task of taking thespeakers apart, but I've learned to really appreciate thepositve efforts of trying different 'tweeks' in my system.I am curious about ... | |
Would you like to know about Dunlavy mods? Hello-I have used the Dunlavy SC-V(s) with great success over thepast couple of years. The only tweaks I've used with themare the Marigo Dots (green/white)and Orchard Bay spikes. These speakers perform better than any system I have ever heard in t... | |
Richard Gray's Power Company I had a unit in my primary system for about a year and haverecently moved it to our cabin (second system). Overall, Ibelieve it produced a positive net result although I believethat some of the negatives pointed to in the Stereophilereview were al... | |
Are You Happy? No system, regardless of the cost, is really going to produce any long-term happiness. Perhaps the exception, though, are those times of worship and praise where a goodsystem can seem to ignite a passion that otherwise mightbe more difficult to ap... | |
Best CD Player - Opinions? An Audio Research CD-3 is probably the best there is withthe CD-2 used being the best bargain in the industry. | |
Rock albums that sound good on your system? Some of the very best recorded CD's are not secular. TryDC Talk, the Newsboys or a soft rocker like Michael W. Smith. Not only will you be amazed at the recording qualitybut you might even be able to feel good about the message. | |
Looking for warmth,openess, detail Audio Magic has gotten the job done for me. I now have theSorceror cable throughout including bi-wire speaker cablesand power cords. The system is so holographic that thereis absolutely no need for multi-channel. This line of cableis probably one ... | |
Thoughts on Legacy Whisper Speakers I auditioned them at some length and was impressed at thetime. Ultimately I went with the Dunlavy Signiture 5(s) andinvited the manager of the store where I auditioned theWhisper speakers. This was a somewhat difficult situationfor him in that the... |