
Responses from brianw

Biggest Baddest Audio Cables
Andy Singer is the owner of New York Citys finest audio store, "Sound By Singer". He has been written up in several of the audio magazines throughout the years. The store has been in operation for many years, and primarily just handles the best pr... 
Biggest Baddest Audio Cables
To answer to the thread, yes the FIM cable are all huge in size. Regarding their sound, as Andy Singer, President of Sound By Singer states in FIM's latest ad, "I consider four things to be the 'four horsemen' of musicality: resolution, dynamics, ... 
Hidden Audiophile Classics
Sincerely, Conte Candoli, 10 inch Bethlehem BCP-1016 (Most dynamic trumpet I've heard on LP) 
Best Listening Room?
I'm a building contractor. Of course the stable wall is on the outside. My concerns regard the ability of the "Wall on rollers" to not make noise or shake , rattle and roll during passages with extreme low frequencies. Ever hear one of those kids ... 
Svetlanta really going under?
Sorry Kevin, I really do care about the industry, but after reading the comments of Mr Barbour, I was concerned. I believe that supply of NOS tubes is running low, and that we really do NEED to support the current manufacturers. If the tubes out-p... 
Web Site for C.E.S. ?
See you there! 
1 million dollar speaker made by Kharma
The drivers must cost $100K each! Right? 
Male audiophile seeking Female audiophil
I agree with Tubegroover. Try reading a book about the act of negotiation. Tubegroovers' ideas seem to fit the ideal negotiation. (Both parties win). 
Worst Audio Injury !!
Wow Ernie! What a story. I've heard of "Bats in the bellfree", but this takes the cake!! Just say three "Hail Marys and ..." 
Vinyl vs. CD
Must agree with Albert. Once you've heard correcly set up Analog, be it LP or tape, there isn't much choice. Digital is getting better, but I won't be giving up my vinyl, this time. 
Shelf Material
I've tried Corian, Redkiwi. And I didn't like it. It ruined dynamics, sounded slow and muddy. The maple butcher blocks that Albert describe work MUCH better. You may want to call the local restaurant supply businesses close to you and compare pric... 
The best and worst Audiogon poster's
I realize your rightful devotion to Purist. If you remember, you nearly had me purchasing an entire package a few years back. And, if you like it, it is good. Maybe I can send you some FIM someday though, for your evaluation. I don't have runs as ... 
Worst Audio Injury !!
It was either E.L.O. or "You Light up my Life". 
Anyone else tried the FIM Gold series?
Hi Cornfed, You can purchase them from a number of dealers. Andy Singer has taken on the entire line, he may be a good place to try. The business name is Sound By Singer, located in New York City. (I have NO affiliation). You could also just call ... 
Anyone else tried the FIM Gold series?
Hi Brulee, Yes, I have the interconnects and speaker cable, along with the power cables. (All purchased from a local dealer). You think the power cord is good? You just wait ...