
Responses from bruce19

Why tube rectification?
Hey Booerbillone Can't that problem be solved with a thermister in the path of the incoming AC mains line? I have only added them when called for by the designer but I don't think they would do any harm. Just slow the flow of AC while the thermist... 
Why tube rectification?
That is a good observation @joshua43214, yet, while I don’t doubt those who have said that changing rectifier tubes changes the sound, I do struggle a bit to understand why. After all if they are doing their job they should just be truning AC into... 
Why tube rectification?
I am enjoying the thoughtful responses so far. Thanks gentle people.  
Why tube rectification?
Thanks @jond. One additional benefit of tube rectification might be for some that it adds to the cool look. They are usually pretty big tubes and so add visual impact. I am learning not to discount visual impact as quite important in our sound bas... 
???What's The LEAST Expensive "End Game"Amplifier You've Ever Heard???
I agree with you @danager! Those willing to DIY can bypass the waiting list and build their own with a printed circuit board and instructions from Steve Deckert for only $45. the whole project cost me... 
???What's The LEAST Expensive "End Game"Amplifier You've Ever Heard???
I could live with my Firswatt F6 for the rest of my days, same would apply to my Dynakit st-35. Both are very pleasant with appropriate speakers and room set-up.  
Holographic DAC With Air And Decay
@fsonicsmith +10!!! it’s not really about the dac as you correctly state. I have an old Topping D50 that lets the air through very nicely if it is present in the recording AND coupled to the right speakers  
Guitar playing audiophiles, Martin or Taylor?
Open baffle speakers
My experiences with open baffle speakers started with the Caintuck speaker that I first observed on the Decware site, which I built and bought a pair of the least expensive Lii audio 6 inch speakers for. I wasn’t expecting much and was shocked how... 
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread
Shill seems like far too strong a word. A shill to me is somebody who promotes a product and offers nothing but inflated opinions. In this situation, most of the praise seem to come from users, and the person representing the company took the role... 
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread
Too bad, the thread was informative, and it appears that many users are very pleased with their product. I wonder if there was a complaint from a competitor who didn’t like the good PR they were generating.  
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread
@facten would you care to share the source of this knowledge and any updates relating to why? Particularly, could you clarify if she was suspended by her company or by audiogon. Thanks.  
The Low Volume Loudness Dilemma
For you Roonies out there right now Roon’s PEQ feature can be used to build an EQ curve based on the Fletcher Munson curve (see Wikipedia) for a specific end point volume level. I used a free app on my phone (Sound Tools) to determine I wanted one... 
Are all streamers the same?
I like the analogy to cars. A whole lot of marketing but essentially all the same.  Numerous superficial differences yet what matters most is where you drive in the car, whether it gets good fuel, and of course reliability. To quote Paul Simon, “c... 
300B, 2A3 experiances wanted
@alexberger so you added an interstage transformer into a 300 B amp that originally did not come with it, if I understand correctly. What amp was it and what kind or what model transformer? Did you determine the specs for this or did someone else?...