

Responses from bwguy

Lumin T2 streamer
I assume you mean you turned analog resampling from “off” to custom? Then in custom, everything is set to native? I would think having resampling turned off would leave all playback in native as well. I am not sure why you would notice such a diff... 
Disappointing On Mcintosh......help
I love the post.  So many say negative things about McIntosh, but never state the model or related equipment.  I also have 611’s and am very happy.  I hear clarity like I have never heard before.  However, I am going to listen to the track you men... 
New Pre/Pro for 2 ch guy? (+How easy to set up RC in top units like Lyngdorf, etc)?
I use a Classe Sigma SSP, and it has digital bypass so I don’t have to have an analog signal converted to digital. They are out of production now and can be found at very discounted prices. It does have manual PEQ. I also have McIntosh 611’s, and ... 
Lumin T2 with Anthem STR preamp signal going through both DACs?
I use the Classe for sub woofers and 5.1 Blu-ray concerts and music.  
Lumin T2 with Anthem STR preamp signal going through both DACs?
 Nice.  I had the same issue with my Lumin T2 and my Classe Sigma SSP DAC.  I did not like the idea of music going through 2 different DAC’s.  However, I still have the Lumin, but I set the Classe in digital bypass mode, thereby using only the Lum... 
Lumin T2 with Anthem STR preamp signal going through both DACs?
Dtximages, I know this an old thread, but I am curious if you returned the Lumin. If so, what are you using now?      
Luxman M-900U in bridged mono or McIntosh MC1.25kw with B&W 800 D3
I know this is not exactly what you are looking for, but I have McIntosh MC 611’s driving B&W 802D’3. One step down from you. I previously had a Classe 2300, which is a very good stereo amp. I found the McIntosh to sound slightly on the warmer... 
B&W 800D3 paired with McIntosh MC1.25k
The 611’S also have 48% more headroom than the 601’s. I have only had the amps for about 4 months, but they drive the 802D3’s with ease. I crank it pretty loud at times and have never had the red light flicker. For your 800D3’s, I would recommend ... 
B&W 800D3 paired with McIntosh MC1.25k
Not quite the same, but I am running 802d3’s with Mac 611’s.  Warm overall signature, with very good detail, and dynamic, I am sure your 800D3’s would love the extra power.  Awesome combo.     
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
Could you elaborate on the Mac pieces you did not like?  What preamp are you now using?  
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
McIntosh has just announced the replacement of the MA 8900 with the MA 8950. The new model has 50% greater dynamic headroom, similar to what they have done with their other newer models such as the MC462, MC611 and the MC 1.25. I would be curious ... 
Hegel H590 with BW 800D
I was using a Classe 2300, which is a stereo amp providing 300 watts per Channel  at 8 ohms, and 600 at 4 ohms.  It drove my B&W 803D3’s fine.    
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
Agree.  Nice post.  
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
I don’t get the McIntosh hate. I recently went from a Classe 2300 to McIntosh 611’s and I am very happy. I can’t understand why people say McIntosh sounds flat, or like someone put a wet blanket over their speakers. For me I get a warm, dynamic, s... 
I cheat the hangman, the Doobie Brothers.