Responses from cantorgale
Why no pics on A’gon Forum? In fact I just tried to paste a screenshot of the “photo” link and couldn’t. | |
Why no pics on A’gon Forum? Does not direct to library of camera. At least in my iPhone. It is a URL link page. | |
GAIAs for amp? Lots of great ideas. | |
GAIAs for amp? @knockknock12 cool thx! | |
GAIAs for amp? @knockknock12 The AUVAs also interest me. But I don’t think five will support the weight of my amp. | |
GAIAs for amp? Response from IsoAcoustics: Yes, the GAIA and the OREA series use the same technology. The GAIA series works well with electronics. Manufacturers like AudioMirror, Java Hifi, Merril Audio etc are using GAIA isolators included with their electroni... | |
GAIAs for amp? Thanks for the input. I’m on a 1.5” thick bamboo board with Herbie’s Dots between it and an oak floor. Sounds like GAIAs are a good solution for me. | |
Upgrade Interconnects/Cables or…? @kennythekey I owned the Audible Illusions 3A with external LPS some years ago. It was my first tube experience and I enjoyed it while I had it. I let it go because of service lead time concerns. To be fair, the one repair issue I had was addre... | |
Questioning my Oppo Sonica dac? OPPO Sonica is a great DAC. Esp with Modwright tube mod and external LPS. | |
How would you spend my next $5K? @kennyc I have an M Scaler. T Pardo on order. | |
How would you spend my next $5K? @kennyc Great idea. Have a Teddy Pardo coming. Ideal would be Farad or Sean Jacobs. | |
looking to replace Fyne speaker jumper cable I replaced the Tannoy jumpers on my Kensingtons with Transparent’s mid-priced jumpers. More improvement in SQ than I anticipated. I use mostly Transparent throughout. | |
Best DAC’S $5k to $15k I started with an OPPO Sonica, then added Modwright tube mod, then PS Audio Direct Stream. I now have DAVE/M Scaler with OPTO DX. Hands down massive improvement to my system. Purchased both as demos. With savings I replaced DAVE’s internal SMPS wi... | |
Who still does mods for CD players John Hillig at Musical Concepts. | |
2024 Audio System Wish List My wish list in no particular order: Second REL S/812 Farad or Sean Jacobs LPS for M Scaler to complement my SJ DC4/ARC6 DAVE LPSU Beginning room treatment (I know…but they’re so ugly) Super-tweeters for my Tannoy Kensingtons Upgrade to Tr... |