
Discussions carzmaguy88 has started

Review of the NEW Updated ANK L5 Signature Phono Stage!! What a Beast!4271
Review of the NEW Updated ANK L5 Signature Phono Stage!! What a Beast!2540
Ground wire hookup on a Step Up Transformer Question4431
Adding a Phoenix USB?? How much will I notice??7092
Legacy Audio Focus SE Bi-Amp or Not Bi-Amp13983
Adding Subs to a 2 channel system. Wiring advise156413
Experience with applying Kilmat to Cornwall IV Horns? 123011
Offline Music Storage & Playback Options10265
Offline Music Storage & Playback Recommendations 18787
Cornwall IV speaker placement guidance751918
speaker choice for new 20x30 audio room450858
JBL L100 Classic or Elysian 2?? Help.20631
Best Speaker Choice for my very "non-audio-friendly" Living Room325343