
Responses from celtic66

Rogers LS3/5 or Reference 2A De Capo i
Carol,You still will not match the vocal/piano midrange, however the DeCapo is quite competent and far more dynamic. It will disappear much like the Rogers. They prefer tubes and more power than you would think with their efficiency rating. Flea w... 
help building a new system on a budget...
Second the Jolida 1301. Rarely found used. Mites are great, own a pair. Cheap Toshiba DVD/CD player mated with DAC works. Used Assemblage 1.0 or Adcom 600 $125Jolida 250Mites 300Toshiba 50DAC 125Cables/IC 50(Signal C.)Sp. stands 50 825 
integrated amp for totem dreamcatcher monitors
Manley Stingray will make these sing. 
TDK SA-X or Maxell XLII-S which is best?
Didn't answer your question, did they. The housing construction is superior on the Maxell as is the tape structure. TDK is decent enough but will throw oxides onto the heads more readily.Also, if you want to do this right have a tech internally tw... 
Cables for a high-school newbie
Signal Cables. 
Any opinions on PS Audio Power Plants
Do any of you have jobs? 
CD...then the SACD...all over again
Vinyl version, Nautilus vinyl version, MoFi vinyl version, MoFi cassette version, Direct to Disc vinyl version, 45 RPM Crystal Records vinyl version, Elcassette, DAT version, CD redbook version, Philips DCC version, MoFi remastered CD version, MoF... 
Small size monitor suggestions
ATCs are great, however very critical of front end and inefficient. Spendors are great musically and forgiving of front end flaws. Axioms are best value. 
NPR blues program
Mpence,Thank you. It was Blues Before Sunrise. Paul Thorn is amazing. New find. 
Best vintage receivers for FM?
Luxman 1120A, exceptional tuner and better sounding preamp/power than almost any of the pieces mentioned above. I've owned many of them. You may find a slightly better tuner, but not the combination. 
What is best walkman CD player these days?
iriver CD players without question. Theses sound better than many stand alone full function players. Order a miniplug/RCA cable from Signal Cable to appreciate the full quality of these. 
Better for Separates Newbie: Rotel or Adcom?
Chris (The Kid) is dead on. Great integrateds that will embarress either Adcom or Rotel separates. Plus no IC costs between preamp and power amp. 
I'm looking for inexpensive bookshelf speakers.
NHT SuperOnes, Quad 11L (very Rogers like but with bass and dynamics), Axiom, Acoustic Energy, Velodyne (yes they made monitors). The Quads and Acoustic Energy will not rock hard. 
Best integrated amp for imaging/soundstage at $1K?
Listened at length to the Jolida 1301 hybrid integrated and it is very good with stock Chinese tubes. Imagine hardwiring a PC and rolling the tubes. Antique Sound Labs also has great integrateds. Audio Refinement very good. 
Recommendations for an Audio System on a budget??
NAD carousel player, multichannel amps with something like Paradigm Atoms for cheap. These can be run in series/parallel to a point.