Responses from celtic66
12yr old NAD receiver or new? NAD 320BEE 50wpc integraged would be perfect. $400 and you are in. | |
Best portable rig? Onkyo CS 210 paired with Mites and breakdown Sanus 24" stands works quite well as my travel rig. Been on the road for 6 1/2 years. Also used NAD L 40, Linn Classik with various speakers. Signal Cable makes a great mini-jack with RCA ends. | |
Dogs and wobbly speakers Fill quality stands with a combination of sand and shot. Then use Office Depot $1/packet blue tacky substance to adhere speakers to stands top plate. Should be stable enough then. | |
What's wrong with this system? Cambridge CD player while decent in the bargain class is not up to the NAD or Monitor speakers. The Cambridge 500 is far better or a better match would be a used Audio Refinement. Try Signal Cable for interconnects. Good luck. | |
Are ATC SCM-7's equal to Dynaudio Audience 52's? I've listened extensively to these speakers with moderately priced ASL tube gear and some decent CD player. They were wonderful. Best cone speakers by far in that price range with excellent detail, treatment of vocals and piano.They are citical to... | |
Best and Worst sound at the CES Show 2004 Don't blame VTL, Wilson Audio to me is the classic "Emperor Has No Clothes" equipment. I've listened to them at CES, at high end stores with various equipment and still I remain completely unimpressed. You were right in your assessment of the spea... | |
sexiest sounding female vocalists? Sexiest sounding would be Etta James. | |
Vocal Jazz recording with wide and deep sound stag Connie Dover, Eva Cassidy "Live at Blues Alley", Mary Stallings "Live at the Village Vanguard". | |
What Integrated Amp & Speakers for $1,000? ONIX A-60 (British made) integrated, Buggtussel Cicada speaks. | |
Best cheap cartridge for college student Love Grados, however for this tonearm the Ortofon was a good match with high compliance cantilever. This is not a bad sounding table. Cheap Ortofon and you are in. | |
Shortlist of Speaker Cables/ICs: advice/opinions Signal Cable Resolution line. LAT International. | |
OK time for Christmas Music "Acoustic Christmas" David Grisman. | |
plauged by off center image, am I insane? I have slight hearing loss in the right ear so everthing obviously images slightly to the left of center. | |
Why do mass marketed CD's sound so crappy? Upside is my wife has practically stopped listening to country western music as the production quality of most artists is abysmal. She's moved closer to blues, jazz and celtic. | |
why doesn't everyone own a pair of spica's??? The company being out of business for several years is a deterent as no replacement parts are available. It is a wonderful speaker, especially modded. There are competitors for that kind of money. |