
Responses from chadnliz

Do you listen alone or with guest s
True music lovers dont mind being out of the sweetspot. I have one friend in particular who I met through our audio club. He comes by monthly, we do lunch or dinner, shoot some pool in my basement, sip some beers at the bar down there and jam all ... 
recording shows from cable TV?
I have not heard of long term issues with TIVO. 
Do you listen alone or with guest s
I listen alone but enjoy listening with fellow audiophiles who appreciate music like I do, they know when to listen and when to talk. 
Is my listeng room too small??
lol, love the closet remark! 
If upgrades were no longer possible would you be
Been on the upgrade merry go round, its much nicer being happy and secure with what you have. To be honest I sometimes look back with a bit of shame at how much I worried over all this. Dont get me wrong I love it but when I first joined I was not... 
Acoustic Research AR9LS owners? Just for thought
I sent you an email, I have an amp you can demo in your home and see if you like it but ofcourse that trust comes after a call or two :) 
Is my listeng room too small??
6-8 ft will work ofcourse but so will 8-10 depending on toe in and the possible speakers you may switch to. I am roughly 10ft away with speakers almost 4ft from rear wall, about 6 ft apart from another and I still have alot of room behind me to av... 
Is my listeng room too small??
Alot of people would kill to have that size room, you will be fine! I am in a room 1 foot longer and I have large speakers (VMPS) that are almost 6ft tall and it sounds fantastic so enjoy. 
What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?
I dont think the Anthem D2V's calibration is at all "amateur hour" after doing 7 mic positions the only thing I found I wanted to adjust was a little bump in center channel level. I do agree in general that most are a waste of time and some only g... 
Why are "low hours" a consideration?
When I see low hours I think of 2 things, the first that maybe if its true its a good thing and the second is that perhaps it sounds like shit and isnt worth the trouble....again if its even true. 
Sounded better at Starbucks than my home?
Its made to sound good on a Pod or in the car and far too many in recording refuse to leave a unmolested copy for Vinyl pressing. All you can do is ask before you buy from here and others places. 
Audyssey Setup Question
I found the more measurements the better, I did 7 
What Chores do Audiophiles Hate?
Oh Bill you devil lol I thought you hated cooking bacon naked.yikes ~! 
What Chores do Audiophiles Hate?
I hate filing albums and cd's, sure enough you have no room for an "A" title then you got shift every damn shelf down a few spaces to fit your new music. It can take a long time. Mowing and housework dont bother me, I like a nice clean home and a ... 
End to All Power Problems
I hope it does too but not because I think a Polar bear will hug me in a commercial. If they would just say its better to clean things up instead of selling flawed and feloniously squewed science maybe they would actually get somewhere. Climate ch...