Responses from chadnliz
What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1? Its only opinion tuning unless you are prepared to show detailed graphs from REQ Wizard or something of that nature. Just "liking" something doesnt mean squat. | |
End to All Power Problems 4est I can rest easy knowing I would win a contest of footprints anyday over most any of the hypocrits who scorn others while ignorant of their own lifestyle. Didnt hear a word from Al in months, not during elections or anything............looks l... | |
Is an iPod considered to be a Transport? Yup it transports music from its drive and in the end to your speakers | |
End to All Power Problems When Al Gore lowers his footprint I will look into mine, till then they can all go to............ | |
can bipolar surround speaker on backwall with 5.1 You can mount a Dipole speaker for rear surround just fine its all up to you. The comment about not being able to use a dipole is silly, dipole surrounds radiate from both sides not front rear. | |
Am I late to the Zac Brown & Jamey Johnson party? Zacs been so overexposed its pathetic. I have albums from both and Zacs guitar playing live is something you should go see if you have a chance but his POP stardom is just too much too quick and its turning off many people (Imus included). Johnson... | |
Vandersteen 5 - Best amp and pre/pro under $3k ? I would look at Audio Research for a pre and Classe for power, I sent you a mail in reply to yours. Yes its true that budget isnt really on par with the class of speaker you are looking at but with a AR tube pre like a model 16 used and say a Clas... | |
How to fine the Rotel RSP1068 Menu screen It is under the "other: section on menu, I have mine selected as Progressive "ALL" as I use component video cables exclusively. Just make sure "audio" is first selected on remote (top button on left) then hit "M" (just below mute) then pull up sys... | |
Vandersteen 2wq x-over help The DIP switch position chart is in manual, if you got it used with no manual just go to the website and download the manual, I just grabbed it so its there. You will need the values off the bottom of sub. | |
do new processors need to be broken in. Crank it if you wish, it isnt like a speaker. | |
What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1? 3 times? Now your just blindly blowing smoke up everyones ass, Emotiva makes a product for X amount and knows it is worth Y and they price it accordingly. To act as if Emotiva is some sort of charitable outfit concerned first with giving away prod... | |
What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1? Not everyone has access to every specific model of every ilk so no I didnt do a direct comparison but have heard it and to me its cold and sterile and doesnt involve me. I said its good for the money and thats all I am going to say. | |
What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1? Yes Lexicon rebadged ther new Oppo, thats old news but I talked about the MC8 that was made years ago and by most accounts was a superb product in its day....try to stay on topic.I noted the Emotiva was good for the money..........what more do you... | |
Opinions - The Absolute Sound LOLI got that offer too and I am going to re-up, also got an offer for Stereophile for $7 and it comes with a IPOD USB car adaptor it............not bad for a year of reading. | |
What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1? I never said I hadnt tried the gear, Denon is midfi, but from what I have seen and heard so is Emotiva. The amps sound cold and dry, the Pro has so many issues its not worth going into, look its nice for the price but lets not lose touch with real... |