
Responses from chadnliz

How to reset Marantz SR8001 standby mode
Sorry I am at a loss, I dont know what else to do. 
Esoteric/Teac no? 
Budget AV Receiver with Magnepan
Those are not as tough to drive as some suggest and here is why, they roll off at 100hz so add a sub and you can get away nicely with it. I powered them wall mounts with a 60w Rotel 6 channel amp driving all channels and never had a lick of troubl... 
How to reset Marantz SR8001 standby mode
If all else fails just reset the whole unit and give it a reboot, you will need to redo speaker set up and all that but it may clear that glitch.To reset entire unit (to be clear you will need to set the entire thing up again)press on face plate "... 
How to reset Marantz SR8001 standby mode
Also set TV tuner to "ON" There is a menu setting for "TV Auto" mode.make sure thats "enabled" 
How to reset Marantz SR8001 standby mode
I might try in preference menu setting the power standby mode in menu #5 to "normal" if its set on economy I dont know if thats an issue. I would also make sure no 12v triggers are in use. 
Where to listen
Cali sounds like a great bet, they seem to have a thriving audio market,(by todays standards) 
Looking for warm sounding speakers
BW forgiving? Not so sure about that one, those can be harsh and abusive IMO you gotta be careful. Vandersteen would be my call 
Will Kef 202/2c center match Wilson Sophia mains?
Dont get sucked into the timbre match scam, any number of centers will work just fine, if you dont have the cash for a Wilson dont sweat it 
Experienced audiophiles best speaker
Mid Fiish speakers can sound way better in a proper room then any "best" speakers can in a poor or ignored space. 
CRT front projectors
Oh that was just a joke, I know the virtues of CRT and love many of them but size hassle and tweaking isnt practical for many. 
Best speakers for about $3500
Yes but a great speaker is just that much better..........I happen to think the Quatro is worlds above the 20/20 but we all hear differently. 
CRT front projectors
Try the guys at AVS forum as they have all kinds of knowledge tricks and tweaks for the CRT crowd.Or you could run head long into this century and get a DLP, LCD or LCOS unit lol. 
Does delay really matter?
Hmm guess mine is good cause I just cant hear it 
Best speakers for about $3500
If you have ever seen Brian C at VMPS you wil know he HAS to eat and eat alot lol