
Responses from chadnliz

A newbie seeking advise on a projector
This isnt the place for real P[rojector info, check out or for more video oriented focus. I own the Panasonic PTAX100U and a used unit can be had at your budget, it looks ... 
Walker Vortex Vacuum Wand for VPI
Like I said I am only passing along ideas, I dont know if the Walker is great or shit but discussion is never bad. 
Walker Vortex Vacuum Wand for VPI
I was talking about this with a vendor who makes RCM fluid and as he explained they tried something like this but it left residue behind drying it to the surface with a technical term for it I cant recall (something with a "v")anyway if you use so... 
Any hi def hd drive video rec w/o service charges
Is it digital? If it is for HD stations its ok. 
Why would you run video through a processor?
I didnt miss any point as the OP was talking about the picture and nothing more. Besides you could still go straight to monitor for video and use multi channel RCA connections if player has internal decoder for advanaced I said,... 
CDs: Not all created equal
Solstice? Merry Christmas! 
I would appreciate some speaker suggestions
Again I think you are putting the cart before the horse, say you buy a Magnepan 3.6, Dunlavy IV, large Kef or any number of other speakers, then move into a much smaller room? Guess what you will have made a mistake, so if you are pretty sure your... 
What is the best MM or Hi Output MC cart for $250?
I second the AT150 
Speaker advice
Used options are many but I wouldnt go low end Klipsch. Internet sellers are an option so are Vandersteen, Def Tech, and too many more to list.....what you need to do is get out and demo more models if possible then members can maybe steer you in ... 
Any hi def hd drive video rec w/o service charges
You dont have to pay for Tivo service, you just wont get some functions like TV guide, season pass and stuff but you dont need to pay if you just want to record manaual. 
Why would you run video through a processor?
On screen menu's, internal HQ video scaler, convenience, ease of wires in walls, no noted signal I need to go on? I am a purist and run direct wires but I can see why some circumstances other options would be better. 
Most resolving solid state amp you've ever heard?
Dartzeel anyone? While Pass is a great line I do think they have a warmish sound. 
Just got an ipod, now what?
Some may suggest you turn in your Audiophile membership card but dont listen to these folks, err.....snobs. There is nothing like learning as you go as ET suggested and all his ideas are "sound".....the LP dubs can come later. 
CDs: Not all created equal
Telarc, Chesky, Mapleshade, just to name a few. 
I would appreciate some speaker suggestions
Dunlavy in that range would get you into a model IV but thats a big speaker to get if you dont know what next room may bring, VMPS is a company I like and use as they are Hybrid Planar/dynamic speakers, these speakers again can be a gamble if your...