
Responses from chadnliz

2 channels Tube amp in a HT setup
My dad leaves his tubes off during news, sports and BS casual watching just useing the center and surrounds fed from SS amps, runs tubes for movies and music only. Not only for tube life and cost but also for heat reasons. 
music in your holiday stocking
I will likely get the same I got last year, a pair of socks and a piece of ass.........both were too big. 
10 Levels of Turntable Mastery
Ok screw it I am a 1 and I am off to play an album. 
10 Levels of Turntable Mastery
Tml 10 guys are too smart and happy to debate this topic.I have a SOTA with a re-wired Rega 300, RCM, outboard stage and so on but I have pros and friends do all my set-up, I just clean and play music. While I dont know or care to be graded I will... 
Best Processor around 1500.00
Dont forget education! 
can a tube-o-phile be happy with ss?
To say tubes are better than any SS model is a statement I thought many in this hobby would be too smart to support but I keep on being surprised. Tubes can and are great but so is solid state, and to say one is better than another is mere opinion... 
Room: 16 x 18.5 how big of tv?
Yea I did mine to get best 2 channel with nothing in the way, it just was a huge bonus that the cheapest way was actually the biggest picture. 
Home theater without center channel? Opinions?
You just hook up 5.1 not 7.1Your Processor wont be able to figure anything out, Analog is Analog and its a direct input that pretty much goes directly to volume only. The Blu Ray will be where you establish speaker settings. All you need to do is ... 
Best Processor around 1500.00
A good education? please 
Room: 16 x 18.5 how big of tv?
Jim I did mine for $800 (720P Panasonic LCD) and a 90 inch $100 manaul pull down......for what it is and its use its pretty awesome. I still am surprised how few take advantage of Projectors. 
can a tube-o-phile be happy with ss?
I have a DC amp you can check out if you want :) 
who makes a decent center channel speaker?
Markphd.....great post. In a perfect world we would all have same brand center speakers and even same model but its not a perfect world and there are space, money, wife and others issues that get in the way..........Mark is dead on and dont be afr... 
Home theater without center channel? Opinions?
Ofcourse a commercial application would do this as they have the deep pockets for it plus the space for it but even then it could be done other ways if need. 
What cartridge for a VPI Super scoutmaster/JMW9 ?
Benz Ref3 sound great on my dads Scoutmaster 
Home theater without center channel? Opinions?
Shadorne, you mknow I respect you and give you thumbs up all the time for your excellent advice but I really wish you wouldnt spread the matching center myth. There are so many speakers that are alteast VERY similar if not darn near identical that...