
Discussions chiho has started

A mistake spending too much on amplification?2312145
Question about HCA-2 upgrades done by RAM23322
Anyone heard the Aronov LS9100 monoblocks?62896
Anyone heard the Threshold S/5000e?38611
Conrad-Johnson Premier 11a-a good used amp?1216911
Hum from Jolida SJ-202a normal?27963
Will a more resolving CDP improve my system?422910
Thinking of going to a tubed amp/pre: any ideas?25301
Amp is stuck "on"-rocker switch is not engaging72139
Conrad-Johnson MF-2500A or McCormack DNA-125?48232
What is "biwiring"?602615
Packaging floorstanding speaker-tips?775011
Synergistic Research Alpha speaker cable?89182
CODA Continuum Unison 3.1?54333
Floorstanders for small rooms? Budget $1200 used673215