
Responses from cleeds

Surprising Audio Quality
The SQ of SiriusXM is just awful. That doesn't keep me from subscribing - just for the car - but it's surely not because of the SQ, which seems to only be getting worse, not better. My iPod sounds better. Much better. Really. 
Superb Service
Audio Research and Bryston both provide excellent service. Audio Connection and Audio Classics are also both very good. 
Clearaudio TT5 tangential tonearm
On paper tangential tonearms seem extremely convincing and pivoted tonearms seem a compromise from the start Yes, it would appear that way on paper. But there are many factors that influence the quality of LP playback, and tracking error is but... 
Can I convert stereo to mono for a phono input
peter_s If not - hmmm - what ARE the other optionsFirst, I'd make certain the imbalance is in the phono cartridge and not in the phono stage itself. No cartridge is perfect, but a good cartridge really shouldn't have an audible channel imbala... 
Can I convert stereo to mono for a phono input
peter_s My immediate goal is to get equal output out of both channels.I agree with @lewm Uneven channel balance is not necessarily something that can or should be corrected by altering alignment.  
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225
jperryTrim pots are common in some Japanese low output amplifiers Quite so! But that doesn't make them a good idea. 
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225
jperry1One of the very important considerations with very efficient speakers is that the amplifier has to be very quiet, and having trim pots on the amp can also be helpful.Trim pots? On an amplifier? That's just adding another potential sour... 
Why is my turntable sounding so muddy?
perazzi28Could be as simple as a dirty stylus. Obviously be very gentle, use a tight pile stylus brush with the tonearm free and not locked downOh no, I completely disagree with this. If the pickup arm is not locked down, it's subject to movem... 
Cartridge loading question
ebm47k or 100K sounds best but it depends on your cartridge 100K is an extremely high loading. I don't know if any phono cartridge manufacturer who suggests such a load.  
help buying irs beta
melbguy1 ... I would trust Watkins to do a great job refurbing the drivers, as I would Bill Legall at Millersound ...Those are both very good recommendations!  
help buying irs beta
melbguy1 ... make sure all 8 Watkins Woofers have been re-foamed ...The IRS Beta does not use Watkins woofers, although I do know that he'll work on them. Watkins woofers have dual voicecoils, and were used in the RS 2.5 and 4.5 models - and ... 
help buying irs beta
This is a fantastic speaker system. I still use the system I bought new decades ago and although I don't want to discourage you, this really isn't a system for beginners.But if you're determined, here are a few things to watch for.Woofers: The col... 
Mark Levinson No. 20.6 vs. Krell KRS 200 vs. Krell KAS
ferrari365gtb would you really be able to hear a difference between for instance a 40 and a 50 Amp Breaker???Probably not.  
Mark Levinson No. 20.6 vs. Krell KRS 200 vs. Krell KAS
You'll want to install the highest capacity breaker that your branch circuit and electric code will allow. If you're at all uncertain about that value, you should consult with an electrician. 
Cheater plug safety
gbmcleod... I've been lifting grounds for 35 years, and have not had a problem. From what I was taught (in High End audio), the ground should be at the preamp, and you lift the ground at other places.I agree with @eric_squires:you are defeati...