
Responses from cleeds

Environmental Potentials whole house surge protection, can I get your opinions?
jea48You won't find any SPD that will protect your home from a direct lightning strike.If you find a manufacture that claims it will you best read the fine print.Of course no device is absolutely 100 percent effective. However, Type 1 devices ar... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
ethan_winer... At this point I'm hanging around this thread only for its humor value, to see how stupid the comments can get.So far, Ethan, you're doing a great job. ;|  
Environmental Potentials whole house surge protection, can I get your opinions?
westom15 postsOne should learn these basic and well understood concepts BEFORE posting denials.a fuse myth is promoted subjectively - without numbersI’m not sure why you call fuses a "myth."How does a millimeters gap in a fuse block what three mi... 
Environmental Potentials whole house surge protection, can I get your opinions?
westomNo protector does protection. Effective protectors (ie whole house) are connecting devices to what does protection. Semantics.A protector is only as effective as its earth ground. Protection is defined by what harmlessly absorbs hundr... 
Insuring audio equipment
Agreed - check with your insurance agent. Unless it's part of some professional use, audio equipment would be covered under the typical homeowner's policy. Note that CDs, LPs and computer software would absolutely not be covered under a standard p... 
Environmental Potentials whole house surge protection, can I get your opinions?
mb1audio02... no surge protector that I know of can protect against a lightning strike.You need a Type 1 device for that degree of protection, such as this. Oddly, not all utilities allow them to be installed on their network.  
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
ethan_winer's profane and insulting post was thankfully deleted. It shows there's nothing to be gained by engaging with this guy. 
Would you sell to someone with no feedback?
When there's a dispute, Paypal seems to favors buyers, so I'd be very reluctant to sell anything of high value to someone with no feedback. 
Just wondering...
cerrota $32,000 DAC should sound like music.  a $1,000 DAC cannotI've heard quite a few sub-$1K DACs that "sound like music." For goodness sake, a used Theta Pro Basic can "sound like music."  
Audio Research SP10 sudden shut off/mute while playing ??
ebmSend to ARC asap this unit is 40 yrs old time for maintenanceThat's probably good advice if it hasn't had recent maintenance. The problem could also be a faulty tube in the power supply. Have you checked those?  
Confessions from a VPI owner of some 30 years
cerrotI called for help on an armboard and was told to call my dealer. Thats pathetic service VPI. It sounds to me like VPI wants to support its dealer network. That’s a great thing! And VPI has mail-order dealers, such as Music Direct ... and MD ... 
VPI Avenger
cerrotSo, Matt never responded, from 10-2-16? Matt is very responsive on the VPI forum. If you really want to engage with VPI staff, that's the place to go.  
How to go about getting a new arm board for a new tonearm
cerrot I look forward to the day that I replace my VP table. It sounds decent but just no light at the end of the customer service tunnel with Matt at the helm.Yes, cerrot, we know from your multiple posts that you don't like VPI customer serv... 
Tapping on my table
How far is your turntable from your speakers? Is it possible that audio from your speakers could reach your turntable and cause vibration in the cabinet, which the turntable could pick up as it did your finger tap? If so, that could cause a blurri... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
analogluvr... I would never purchase a 10K cartridge as I would find it an insult to my intelligence.You're insulted by the price of something you apparently have no interest in purchasing?  You must feel insulted quite frequently!