Responses from dan_ed
jewelers loop "I haven't been able to see my stylus at all since '99."Which is long enough to declare it legally dead! | |
jewelers loop I have found that at least 200X is needed for a good, close inspection. I found one on Ebay that is used for kraft work and also came with a stand. This doesn't work at all for cartridge setup. I'm thinking something around 20 to 50x might be best... | |
How to Manage Rhea "Noise" "The balanced out is noisier than the RCA out."That seems normal. Several folks have commented that the RCA outputs are quieter.As far as noise increasing when you increase the gain, I would suspect that this is attributed to some of the stock tub... | |
Best Temporary Record Cleaning Options Either Vinyl-zyme (Buggtussle) or AIVS should do it. It may require a few applications in some cases. | |
Low compliance cartridges Yes, I applogize. Monday morning fog brain here. I overlooked the fact that you're looking for MM. | |
Low compliance cartridges I believe both of your cartridges are high-ouput MM, which does make sense given that Macintosh usually has a MM phono stage. This means that many of the MC cartridges are probably not going to work for you without the addition of step-up transfor... | |
Low compliance cartridges How is your system gain? Denon 103R (.25 mV) comes to mind although whether the actual compliance is really as low as advertised seems to be debatable. Perhaps a Shelter 501? I think TWL develped his amazing tweak while using one of these cartridg... | |
New David Gilmour record:any feedback? Just picked up the CD this weekend and I really like it! I know I'm probably swimming up stream when I say this but I've always preferred Gilmour over Roger Waters. This album reminds me of work on Momentary Lapse of Reason and Division Bell. Very... | |
Phonostage Burn-in to keep unit sharp Be careful here, Chris. I do believe that these devices such as the one Hagerman builds has a circuit board that connects between the CPD and the inputs on the phonostage to drop the signal strength many fold. This is to prevent severly overloadin... | |
Best Temporary Record Cleaning Options I'll vouch for the DIY RCM. I built mine a few years ago (there's a picture under my system) with the intent of one day buying a really good. I still have my $50 plywood/Hoover RCM but I still say that someday I'll spring for a Loricraft or Monk. ... | |
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint Cello,Thanks very much for your input. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble responding to your email. Perhaps try to respond through the A'gon system and that will work? I do look forward to hearing from you.Dan | |
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone Hello Barb,While I have not kept up with this thread as much as I might have liked, I'm hoping that my words will somehow give you hope and comfort.It has been four months for you in your loss and four years for my wife and I since we lost our you... | |
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint Hi Rich. Yes. It seems when you get towards the northwestern side of Denver you would end up about half way between Teres and Galibier based on my current understanding of where these guys are located. If we assume a weekend trip this is probably ... | |
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint Guys, if any of you can join me it looks like my trip will be no earlier than the last week of April. It is very exciting! As of this post I have been in touch with both Thom and Chris. I can't tell you what I don't know but it seems there is a ve... | |
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint Xagwell,This is a bit OT but I can assure you that you will be able to improve on the already great sound of the Rhea with some tube rolling should you decide to keep that Rhea.I'm currently trying to put together a Denver trip to hear both the Ga... |