Responses from dan_ed
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences Speedy, if I get my hands on an Allaerts I won't be trading for ANY lp! Not even that Doors first issue. But we could mount up the cartridge for a spin. Doug, I'd really love to hear your system. It has been on my "things to do" list for quite som... | |
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences I hope to be in Denver that weekend listening to Galibier and Teres tables. However, if it doesn't come together on that date I may try to join you guys for VTV. | |
Tracking Force for Denon DL-103r I also suspect that there could be a difference in Shure VTF scales. I think that within the same scale they are pretty consistant, but from scale to scale could be a different story altogether.Very good to hear from TWL! I'm sure I speak for many... | |
Help on soundstaging I was able to improve on depth by moving the speakers farther out into the room. Try about 3' minimum from the back wall.Best of luck,Dan | |
Best Temporary Record Cleaning Options Be careful with the Hunt brush. There is a potential to trap grit under the pad and mar the record. I've not had any problems with it but others have reported issues. I use the Hunt brush prior to cleaning and only use the edges with the bristles.... | |
$1,000 to spend on room treatment.... I agree with the DIY if you can. You're money will go alot farther. Base traps are what you want to start with. It can take more than 1 in each corner depending on the room. | |
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences Hi Rick,I found some telefunkens for the 12ax7's and some Amperex White Label 7803 for the 6922. Not cheap, but a big improvement over the stock Sovteks. I agree that the 12ax7 has the most impact, but the 7803's picked it up a bit more in combina... | |
Rhea Noise The issue here comes down to how much one is sensitive to tube rush. What Xagwell is trying to describe to us sounds like the normal tube rush associated with the Rhea. Since the gain stages are all tube, it is normal to expect some extra tube rus... | |
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences Rwd,The Calypso does sound a bit sterile in stock form. If you can get a couple of good 12ax7's in there you will be greatly surprised by the improvement. I know that is tough to do with a demo unit. I was able to do this and the results with the ... | |
Clear upgrade from 10T's? Hi Vincent,The 20t's are bottom ported, which means they don't have to be quite as far from the rear wall as the 10t's. However, I still don't think they would work well against the wall. There have been some interesting speakers mentioned here as... | |
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences You guys will probably think I'm crazy, but I'm planning on sandwiching a few of my extremely warped specimens between a couple pieces of plywood and setting a 50lb. weight on top and leaving them for several months. Naturally, these records aren'... | |
Clear upgrade from 10T's? Gregadd, I don't think the 20t's would work against the wall either. As with the 10t's, too much bass reinforcement against the wall to achieve good sound. | |
How to Manage Rhea "Noise" Stew maybe correct. The Rhea's gain stages are all tube so it is not going to be as quiet as a J-FET. Just to give a point of reference, I have to get my ear within a foot of the speakers at moderate volume to hear any tube rush. So if you're hear... | |
Stupid Bellari Q Depends. Some of the new 12ax7 tubes don't glow even when they are working properly. How does it sound? | |
What tracking force for Shure V15lll? Also add a gram if the cartridge has the brush engaged, like the V15VxMR. |