Responses from dan_ed
How to set SRA after determining true vertical? Neil, how did you determine the 4mm => 1 degree? I'm not disputing it, just curious how you measured it. | |
Cartridge abuse I wish! When I did it the whole cantilever was gone. Only Saving Grace was that the cartridge was a Shure so I was only out the cost of a replacement stylus instead of the whole cartridge. I'm much more careful now. | |
Best Country/Rock - Poll OOoopps. sorry, I can't read. This was supposed to be a "best of" thread and I just threw out general recommendations. | |
Best Country/Rock - Poll You guys have hit the sweet ones. I'll through out some from the golden age of southern rock. A few might be a bit more bluesy, but still have good examples if you investigate.Allman BrothersLynyrd Skynyrd (before the plane crash)Charlie Daniels B... | |
Pros and Cons of the Music Hall MMF-7 I owned an MMF 7 for a while and it does make a good introduction to vinyl playback. I'm not familiar with either cartridge mentioned. I used a Shure V15VxMR. After reading the features on the Pro-ject Xperience I would suggest you might find that... | |
Shelter and Triplanar matching ? While your out swimming in your Tux, be catious of the Man in the Grey Flannel Suit! He usually has a huge grin on his face. | |
What cartridge?? Lyra, Dyno etc... SirSpeedy, I think "over the top" is a bit of an understatement in my case. I mean, here I am talking about scales and cartridges to use with my two tonearms. I don't even own a table right now! Obsessive, compulsive would be closer to my characte... | |
What cartridge?? Lyra, Dyno etc... I think it is a good idea to use a scale that is accurate to the next decimal place of what you intend. If you want to measure to the tenths of a gram, the scale should be accurate to the hundredths of a gram. The cheapy I have now is only accurat... | |
What cartridge?? Lyra, Dyno etc... Neil, is that the Audio One? Now up over 2 bills. That one is interesting with the modification to allow measurements close to record level and it does have enough precision. | |
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint I am curious concerning this question of PRaT and mass-loaded tables. It seems that the low torque motor used on these 3 tables contributes to this "lack". This does sound feasible with a low torque motor when considering stylus drag. However, if ... | |
What cartridge?? Lyra, Dyno etc... Ah! Point taken. I am considering puchasing only 1 cartridge at first because there are options/models of 'tables that I am also considering. Some of the options I can always do at a latter time. Since the two arms I have are differenct, gimbal vs... | |
Calypso and Rhea..... Hi RWD! I don't think it is a good idea. Not only for the reason of heat dissipation but also because of the way the tops of these units are attached. While plenty solid for their intended purpose, the tops are not rigidly fastened. It would be a ... | |
What cartridge?? Lyra, Dyno etc... . . . also Dynavector. | |
What cartridge?? Lyra, Dyno etc... Neil, that's the second time you've posted that verse. Whatever do you mean! I'm most curious! :)SirSpeedy, I do understand what you're saying regarding the guages. I agree that this new one doesn't necessarily need to be accurate but it does need... | |
What cartridge?? Lyra, Dyno etc... Thanks Raul, Based on that email address I assume that Allaerts are not sold through distributors here in the US.Thanks for the update, SirSpeedy. I assume you guys will get the chance to compare that new guage against the Winds. The Temper V is o... |