Responses from dan_ed
Clearaudio Double Smart Matrix or Loricraft PRC4 I don't use steam as a replacement, it is part of my regimen that also includes AIVS cleaners and rinse. However, I have found in my DIY cleaning station that steam does enhance the results I get. For others, YMMV. But there is no issue with heat.... | |
Clearaudio Double Smart Matrix or Loricraft PRC4 Sorry you don't have an open mind toward steam, Mark. I will stack my steamer and DIY RCM up against any of these machines. It is not as convenient and must be spun by hand, but the results I get are very, very good. And all for about $100. ;-)Don... | |
rumble issues - see old thread update I "got" this stuff from my own experience with ported speakers and preamps that don't roll off. I have sat a watched Doug's speakers do the dance. I have seen just about ever other ported speaker do this with analog. You have a different experienc... | |
rumble issues - see old thread update Hi Tom,this is not unusual at all with ported speakers. I used to deal with this back when I had Aerial 10t's. I'm pretty sure we can rule out the Galibier bearing and table setup. :-)That leaves the warps and off center pressings, which is someth... | |
Why not horns? That was my answer to your postDan_ed, it might helpful if you put a user-name to those quotes..I completely agree with your list of what you have learned on this thread. How could I not? :-) | |
K&K Maxxed-out vs Aesthetix Rhea Second Tvad's suggestion. If I where pushed to select, I would go for the K&K. I've owned a Rhea and have heard the K&K along side my Alaap. The K&K is far and away more preferable to my ears. Your Coronet should be a great sounding un... | |
Why not horns? Unsound, I doubt that any of those folks have A'gon accounts. There is a big, wide, wonderful audio world out there and it doesn't revolve around Audiogon. | |
Why not horns? Also, I'd like to see more info from other horn product gurus, makers and affectionados to add a bit more variety. Not gonna' happen. Just go back and read this thread. Thirteen pages of very, very little value. (Sorry John, Duke, and Ralph.) From... | |
Replace OL Illustrious 3 with Graham 2.2? Ha! You guys sound just like my wife and I. Also 35 yrs this December. | |
Replace OL Illustrious 3 with Graham 2.2? Good eyes! Yes, correct on all counts. However, the sandboxes under the source components have proven to be overkill to some extent for my equipment. A good isolation product, like rollerblocks or Stillpoints, seem to work better here. The boxes u... | |
Graham Phantom DV XV-1s setup question Musichead, it sounds like you have a good handle on the XV-1s. Enjoy! | |
Graham Phantom DV XV-1s setup question Hi Thom! I was beginning to think you had gotten lost. :-)Yes, I find mine works beautifully right around the 1.85-1.87 area. It might go a tad lower with the Talea but I haven't optimized things yet. Not sure what the cause of the brightness is t... | |
Replace OL Illustrious 3 with Graham 2.2? Info on tape source. Enough to last a lifetime.mylar streamersyou want part #6033665. 1/2" x 100' holographic mylar.My opinion on the 2.2 is close to Doug's. Your table is far better than the 2.2 can manage. How about a nice, used Triplanar VII? | |
soundsmith retip questions I have that same cantilever and stylus on my Dyna XV-1s. I don't see any difference in what I use for VTF. After all, the suspension dictates most of what the force should be.I use a Magic Eraser on my religiously. | |
New arm DaVinci, TW-Acustic or? Doug,You can bet a key lime pie that Anne had something to do with the choice between the polished chrome and the nickel. ;-) I mean, I liked it right off the bat, but she surprised me and chimed right in on the look of the nickel. Usually she's l... |