Responses from dan_ed
Why not horns? You can have my horns when you pry my cold, dead hands off of them. :-)So many generalized statements about horns, kind of like the ones we horn guys make about monkey coffins and other boxes.Maybe someone should start a thread about why people se... | |
Does "perfect alignment of cart" eliminate 100% ? Nolitan,yes, I can play my LP's with no inner groove distortion. I would wager that most everyone I know whose systems I have heard can also play with no inner groove distortion. If you are hearing this there is something not correct in your setup. | |
Aerial 10T's - Temporary Solution Schoff,I have a 301 on my 10t's in the HT. If you plan on really rocking these, get two 301's and biamp. You won't hear the 10t really sing until they get 400-500 watts behind them. My 10t's will never leave. ;-) | |
Turntable isolation Do you hear problems with your table's playback when you don't tap the cabinet? If not, why worry. | |
Stylus Force Gauge While I will agree that many of us paid way too much for these scales in the past due to some effective marketing and pricing, you have to admit that for $13 it would be a decent alternative. While they may not last forever, they do seem to be acc... | |
Phantom B44 overhang concern "What happens if you move the cart forward?" Assuming that the arm is set to the proper P2S distance, if you move the cart forward the stylus will no longer be tracing the arc at the correct effective length and your alignment will be off.Think ab... | |
Analog care -- what do we NEED Necessary? A stylus and a groove would be first on the list. Take it from there, then re-read what Doug posted. :-)Unless we're talking R2R analog. . . | |
Blue Note reissues Actusreus, I don't think that is the same reissue that Sibelius is talking about. What we are talking about with the Music Matters reissues are different than the $10 reissues (Mosaic?) that have been burning many of us for a long time now. Here i... | |
Blue Note reissues Well, good luck with your crusade against the pressings. I do sympathize but we've all be dealing with the reissues for years and many of us have given up on the majority of them. Vote with your dollar and don't give them any more business.One ser... | |
Dynavector XV-1S tracking force issue It may be ok to run with VTF set a bit high for the first 100 hours or so to help breakin the cart. I agree with Philb7777 and I would not run my XV-1s above what Dyna recommends. I prefer to run mine around 1.85 because I find the dynamics much b... | |
Stylus Force Gauge HI Hdm,that is a decent scale. I had one for a couple of years before the display died. Your advice to buy a couple of these is very good advice indeed. :-)I bought a ProScale LC-50 and made a weighing step for it. One could buy three or four of t... | |
Cart not parallel after Mint LP alignment? VP, you can find all kinds of basic information on the web about the different alignment geometries. No need to go through the math, necessarily. Just the basic overview of each would have explained why your cartridge may be twisted by aligning to... | |
Cart not parallel after Mint LP alignment? Feeling is mutual, Raul. | |
Cart not parallel after Mint LP alignment? Raul,Well, if people are carried away with hyperbole then that is their problem. No one that I know has ever said anything but how the Mint is simply a better tool because of the precision, not because there is some new math theory. I don't find t... | |
Cart not parallel after Mint LP alignment? IMHO there is no black magic or moon rocket " secret " in tonearm/cartridge accurate set up like some people think.I am still trying to find where anyone ever said anything like that. |