

Responses from dave_b

CD Baby
I second Dopogue! 
PS Audio P300 or Cardas Golden Reference?
The KCR and FPB600 are not cast ready! 
Speakers you regret selling
I regret some room/speaker combinations I've lived in more than the speakers themselves, as they were chosen for a specific living environment i.e..Totem Forest's @ my condo, Totem winds/Wilson 6's/Martin Logan Odyssey's at my previous large house... 
PS Audio P300 or Cardas Golden Reference?
Krell components don't appreciate being plugged into power conditioners or regenerators. The sonics will suffer..low level information, transparncy, dynamics, slam etc.. For a cheap but exceeptional IC try a pair of Monster Cable Z Reference Balan... 
Krell kav-400xi with show case dvd or dvd standad?
It gives the user an idea of how much power it takes to drive them and also indicates what the speakers limitations may be...in other words, more power will be cleaner and less damaging to the speakers, but you could potentially still overdrive th... 
Directional interconnect cables
Here's some food for thought. A while back I demo'd some Monster cable Z series balanced IC's while waiting for my Oracle V2.2 upgraded IC's to be returned (my dealer loaned them to me). $4600pair IC's vs $200pair IC's....wow, they were close in p... 
Krell kav-400xi with show case dvd or dvd standad?
More power is never an issue. In fact, the more power you have on hand, the less the distortion each driver will suffer. Cone control and dynamic expression will be increased as well, plus if you want to run a subwoofer or two you can use the prea... 
Directional interconnect cables
The names Borda...Dave Borda. I'll have a double Dewars Black Label on the rocks and a set of the most expensive cables known to mankind...connected, and burned:) 
Krell kav-400xi with show case dvd or dvd standad?
The Krell 400xi will remain a cornerstone in a system...speakers may change over time. However, if you don't require superior performance then look elsewhere. 
Directional interconnect cables
I'll say this ONE MORE TIME...buy or try your favorite cable in your system, install per manufacturer and then listen to your favorite music. Next, buy your favorite cable and enjoy the music. When one thinks to much, one becomes all nose or foreh... 
Best sounding Krell ?
In a properly set up system the 400xi is a giant killer...period! Not with the stock PC or average cables or a mismatched front end, but with the SACD standard V3 and the tweaks I mentioned, it is far more engaging than almost anything alse I've o... 
Best sounding Krell ?
Lihifi, I've owned all of the above Krell gear and then some....the 400xi is exceptional sounding as long as you pair it with the right speakers. For demanding speakers, the higher power is necessary. I'm not sure anyone else has ever heard a 400x... 
How can I improve my CD sound?
Put a transparent MM PC on your CD player and support it on mapleshade triplepoints into a maple wood platform which is also supported by isolation feet. 
Best sounding Krell ?
The 400cx is a classic and want's for nothing! If you desire the krell sound and do not need the absolute grunt of the 400cx you might be wise to get a 400xi...all the hallmarks of the bigger cx amps are present plus an excellent preamp stage as w... 
Pure class A amplifiers = "slow" amplifiers?
Live sound is the reference point. One must listen to live music and then choose your system accordingly. In this way you are being honest to the music.