Balanced switch for preamp output | dbphd | 836 | 6 | |
Magnapan LRS with subs | johnto | 832 | 2 | |
Environment for Magnapan LRS | dbphd | 1078 | 2 | |
KEF LS60 with a pair of KC62s v Blade 2 | steve59 | 3318 | 6 | |
KEF Reference 1s v LS50 Metas | dbphd | 957 | 2 | |
Balanced v high-pass | dbphd | 831 | 3 | |
1990 era KEF Reference 107/2s v current Reference 1s | | 571 | 0 | |
Magnepan LRS with JC 1s | jl35 | 1732 | 12 | |
Moving Roon from Mini to Nucleus: PITA | dbphd | 1633 | 6 | |
Wanted: single 7' Cardas Clear Light XLR cable | oldhvymec | 762 | 1 | |
Run Roon in an iMac or dedicated Mini | goofyfoot | 3617 | 12 | |
KEF Reference 1s or Wilson Sophias | steve59 | 1339 | 7 | |
Stylus pressure setting | millercarbon | 1197 | 4 | |
Cardas Clear or AudioQuest Carbon USB cable | branislav | 7415 | 13 | |
Ayre KX-5 preamp with V-3 amp | jafant | 1997 | 20 | |