
Discussions dbphd has started

Low-pass setting12876
Oppo 205 to KEF KC62 settings9961
Ethernet or USB for streaming to Oppo 20519104
Magnapan LRS14681
Center channel353715
Senore ultraRendu or Oppo 205 as Roon endpoint 27885
USB DAC of Oppo 20530216
Surround speaker setup: disc player or processor?13946
Best use of subs5501
Cardas Clear Light or Mogami 2549 XLR36153
Trip down memory lane16894
Mogami Cables or Cardas Clear Light wit connector for 12' to 15' run from preamp to amp 20141
Processor direct to amp?14562
Is carpet on wall behind speakers counter productive?27706
Stacking subs19748