

Responses from dentdog

Amp suggestions for Zu Omen Def mk2.
Decware Zen Torii Mk 1V on Ebay right now. I have two pair of Zu speakers and have tried various amps. The Omen Defs still need a bit of power to perform well and the tone of the Decware amps fits right in with the Zu sound.Most of the amps noted ... 
Link for acoustical treatments
What are the limits of room correction/ treatments ?
Took some Owens Corning 703 from GIK and started placing different thickness traps in various places. Bought around 24 sheets so was able to go as thick as a foot so far. When I found success I ordered a trap of that thickness from GIK. Working ou... 
power conditioner
Balanced power really helps my system. 
Polarity of speaker drivers
Having jumped into a two channel system head first I took the advice of some very experienced audio experts and went with what I felt were the speakers with the fewest crossover/phase issues that would deliver the audio signal across the entire fr... 
Happiness achieved
For all the back and forth on subs it seems to me that the most likely lacking quality of full range speakers lies in the inability to get the bass right. The cabinet and it's resonances, the crossover and it's intermodulation distortion, not to m... 
Balanced power and 2 prong plugs
Hi Eric,Your contributions to the forum here are quite informative and much appreciated. System is quiet as to ground loops but the hash during the day probably contributes to a degradations in sound. Hi efficiency speakers suffer more from bad po... 
Coupling or Decoupling speakers?
 I have Sistrum stands under my speakers and mono blocks which are between the speakers to excellent effect. My DIY rack is 3 3/4" Butcher Block with brass threaded rod through to the floor using acorn nuts top and bottom.  At some point, about a ... 
HIGH Quality Electric Service Panel
Stickman451, there is an equi=teck 1.5RQ unit on Ebay at a good price. It has enough to run the front end without limiting power. I have a Balanced Power Technologies 3.5 on my front end and it does wonders, but they are out of business and somewh... 
CleanerVinyl Ultrasonic record cleaning system.
Have been using a 10L tank and hand turning the records on a homemade spindle, but only as a rinse with distilled water. Using AI products, somewhat highly concentrated "Down with Dirty" followed by #15. I allow each to sit on the record surface 3... 
RMAF 2016................Boenicke W5
I really need to get out more. There are so many speakers/products that I would love to hear. Being out of the hobby for so many years before deciding to put together a system I have missed the evolution of music reproduction. The Boenicke W5 seem... 
RMAF 2016................Boenicke W5
The surprise factor of an ultra small speaker talking big can be and probably is an element in the wow factor experienced by the OP. Admittedly, to get some great timbre and believable music from such a small package is quite remarkable. The price... 
terry9,Have a BPT 3.5 Sig+ for my front end. Changed things substantially for the better. My 60 Watt mono blocks are across the room, into the wall. I'm sold on balanced power but what capacity do I need for the amps? My speakers are high efficien... 
Your first component that was "special"
Pair of Mcintosh MC 275s in 1972.  
Tube for a Noob ???
I would think it impossible to match CD/Music server quality for less that 5-6 K. IMO and coming from a person who is all tube/vinyl for the most part, that CD player I have comes close. It's only drawback is the vinyl solves the listener fatigue ...