Responses from dentdog
Should I buy a Class A Amp. I would either go with the latest Class D or pick up the pair of Mcintosh MC 60s on eBay right now. I have both and although they are a little different in their own way, both are probably more dependable and sound better than a dated Krell/transi... | |
tube monoblocks and preamp recommendations One can always find vintage Mcintosh tube amps on Ebay or the Gon. There is a pair of MC 60s on Ebay but they are priced a little high right now. As for service, Terry Dewick will check them out for a very reasonable fee. A comment he mad to me wa... | |
Bass amp settings for Zu Def 4 rev b Thanks Phil, this will help. Getting the bass just right can really make a difference with the overall presentation. | |
I have an uber awesome amp, why buy a speaker with a built in woofer sub-woofer amp While onboard powered subs in a speaker can cause problems in optimal speaker location, their voicing, being that the manufacturer has control of that aspect, trumps the separate sub or subs in some senses. One such instance is the ability to inte... | |
Is Louder always Better? Charles, we have the same speakers, and while I would love to hear your amps alas I can't spring for them right now. Truth is I would love to be satisfied at lower volumes and after coming across a BPT 3.5 Sig Plus some of that has been realized. ... | |
Desperately needed quality amp stands!! Star Sound. I have Sistrum stands under my amps. Like 'em. | |
Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ? Throughout this thread arguments on both sides seem to have merit. I will say Ralph's data is the most convincing given that he has measurements to support his viewpoint. It would be interesting to see some data involving the turntable setup wher... | |
Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ? Lewm, the Terminator tonearm actually pivots vertically on two contact points of an underslung carriage. This is joined to a sliding metal inverted V bearing which slides horizontally on a similar inverted arm,separated by a thin cushion of air. A... | |
Need Help: What In My Home Electric System Killed the Sound? Put an outlet on that new line, just borrow one from another place. But I'm betting it's in the equipment. Does the 452 have gain attenuators? Clean all connections. Switch out the source? | |
Need Help: What In My Home Electric System Killed the Sound? Put an outlet on that new line, just borrow one from another place. But I'm betting it's in the equipment. Does the 452 have gain attenuators? Clean all connections. Switch out the source? | |
Tube Phono Stage with balls, and slam!! Look on Hi Fi Shark, there is one listed for $3495. | |
Bass traps - too many choices!! I use GIK for everything. They have variations with Scopus tuned traps, effective at certain frequencies. scatter plates to keep from damping the highs. They are serious about effectiveness, no window dressing here. They will sell you Owens Cornin... | |
Tube Phono Stage with balls, and slam!! As much as I hate to be a shill for anything I will say my 15 year old BAT VKP10 SE with 80 db gain definitely has slam. Yeah I can hear the tubes when I listen loud but the output leaves no question as to anything being left behind. See them on h... | |
Bass amp settings for Zu Def 4 rev b Could either of you shed some light on the PEQ gain and frequency settings as to the effects being controlled. Not sure what I'm looking at there and would appreciate some insights. | |
Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs We can, given a great room and a good signal chain, get excellent performance out of a particular speaker not costing an arm and a leg. The speakers need to be good though, but a great chain can make some not so pricey speakers perform well. To fe... |