

Responses from dentdog

Buying Without Audition
I bought my whole system piece by piece without auditions. BUT I did study for about a year all things audio, primarily on this site. I began to gravitate towards time aligned, crossoverless, high efficiency speakers and balanced fully differentia... 
Performer-in-Room Quality with Speakers?
There is a pair of Zu Druid Vs just listed on this site. You might want to look at them. Single full range driver with a first order crossover to the tweeter. Haven't heard the Vs but Have a pair of the Def4s from Zu and they are astounding. The D... 
Linear arm recommendations
Vote #3 for the Trans Fi. Disclaimer, if you like, I do own one. 
Linear Tracking Turntables - Best??
There is no getting away from anti skate's complications. Not to be adamant about LTs because once you delve into the compromises with them questions do arise. I do own a Trans Fi and the air cushion under the angled bearing, if you can call it th... 
System synergy or mix and match
I've always had a Mac tube piece in there somewhere. Just makes the music nicer to listen to.  
Bi Amping
Bi amp with identical amps. 2 stereo amps, or 4 identical monos. If you do otherwise you will introduce phase, frequency response variations, gain variations under different input voltages, and will never get the coherence you might otherwise achi... 
Help! My system is very bright it hurts my ear
Big Oriental Rug, Thick. Buy about 5 boxes of Owens Corning 703Mullard tubes-tone down a system like no toherDedicated lines-electricity pollution gives a frenetic edge to an otherwise nice audio signal. It probably won't matter what you do until ... 
non parallel walls in listening room
A little late here but yes, a small variation from parallel will benefit you here. If you purposefully make the room asymmetrical to some degree nodes will be far less likely to reinforce or cancel. Alcoves of any size are bass collectors so stay ... 
Need New MM Cartridge Recommendation
Raul, with all due respect I don't need you to tell me what music sounds like at a live performance. Sweetness is, for me, found in the nuances and undertones. I have had a few MMs that miss a good part of this. Just curious, and directed my post ... 
New Vinyl or Old Vinyl ?
This is a hobby where being seriously silly is not unheard of. I'll be on the lookout for the UHQR copy. 
stereo for the joy of it - can records be cleaned?
I occasionally run across LPs with a streak of mold across a section of the record. I apply lavishly AI #16 on each side, let it soak for 5-10 minutes, rinse off with pretty warm water, then Down with Dirty from Ai, same process.Next I place on a ... 
Need New MM Cartridge Recommendation
After reading this thread I have a question. Paraneer, you mentioned the Nagaoka MP 500, which has interested me for a while. I run a BAT VK P10 Se phono stage which is capable for up to 80 DB gain, making it suitable for LOMC carts. My Fidelity R... 
Speaker for Mcintosh MC 30
Don't know your price range but there are some Zu Definition IVs on Audio Circle. Look them up on Hi Fi Shark. 101 db eff, Keith R takes really good care of his stuff and they are broken in. I've had a pair for three years and doubt I will ever au... 
Preamp upgrade opinion...
BAT stuff kicks. They over build. Good resale and strong performer.Balanced keeps the noise that you can't hear down. Lets the music through. Good luck. 
Helmholtz Resonators
Thanks. I'll let you know.