
Responses from dill

Help me pick some new or used speaker cables
I was thinking, if you have them toed in so you can't see the inside surface of the cabinets, you might be getting too much high frequency energy to your listening position. Try toeing them out until they are firing straight down the room and see ... 
Help me pick some new or used speaker cables
Have you tried positioning your speakers differently? Maybe swivel them out a bit if you have them facing your listening position.  
I Don't Understand What Determines When A Thread Gets The Axe
Complaints from fellow members to the moderators might get the attention of the powers that be and lead to a removal.  
Nowhere to hear speakers and amps anymore!
You do realize ads are not permitted in the forum section.  
White bird amplification
Golden cage?  
Rogue Audio hard to resell, has it fallen out of favor ?
Your original question: "Rogue Audio hard to resell, has it fallen out of favor ?" I think less than a month is a decent time line for a sale, especially with all the wacky weather we have had recently. Your ad on AudiogoN & AudioMart had onl... 
Rogue Audio hard to resell, has it fallen out of favor ?
So, it sold in about a month and you are complaining? If you got your asking price of $934.00 shipped, which is more than 1/2 price used in less than a month, I don't understand your position.  
Power cable dilemma
Oh good, this thread is back after a year ...  🙄  
Recommendations on integrated amps
For your application, I would consider: used, NAD, Marantz, Luxman, Rotel and Yamaha integrated amplifiers.  
Modern Speaker switch for use with banana plugs
This one looks good. https://www.amazon.com/Speaker-Selector-Switch-Switcher-Audiophile/dp/B07KMGVYZ6    
RCA Phono Interconnect Under $400
I addition to your choosing your tonearm cable, I found when I had a  Jolida JD-9, it benefited from using silver interconnects (to the amp), an upgraded power cord, installing damping material to the inside of the chassis, removing the tube shiel... 
**Advice Needed**Damage To Imported Speakers**
Take it to a cabinet shop as suggested above.  
A Few Nice Words For Upscale Audio
Not surprised, Kevin has been in this for a long time and knows a thing or two about customer service.  
A Few Nice Words For Upscale Audio
T+A Criterion T100 speakers. Checkout my AudiogoN profile.    
A Few Nice Words For Upscale Audio
I've had a Pathos Classic One MK lll for over 7 years and have no desire to change, very quiet, plenty of power and lots of inputs. In my opinion, it sounds great.