

Responses from dinov

Looking for a ‘’No braine’r Integrated amplifier under 7500 or so
Best upgrade for cd player?
An excellent power cable.  
Audio Lessons Learned - post your best advice for the newer members!
Love the McIntosh love. I too have a system I’ve been assembling for many mc 500 c2300 and d150 dac are the heart of it with Tannoy Churchill’s. With all of that said, what really took mine to the Way next level was power cords and conditioners, a... 
The anachronistic CD Transport? And do I really need one.
Buy a new transport or a CD player with a digital output. That’s the beauty of have a separate dac.  
Can flexible power cables sound good?
Shunyata has flexible cords as options in their line. Excellent power cords.  
Recommendation for new cables
I would recommend looking at analysis plus, especially the golden oval for reference level and their silver or nordost. Have great synergy with them and my system. 
2021 audio system wish list
Stick to the topic please 
2021 audio system wish list
Addition to house for music room ie. Tube system. Mc30s and mx 110z. Nordost Valhalla interconnect for mc500 amp to c2300 pre in main system in living room, also a koetsu cartridge for turntable.  
For auld lang syne, ..high-end companies you really liked that are gone....
Shure Cartridges, Oppo 
Speaker upgrade for classical music
Sonus Faber 
How old are you?
McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound
I use the beeswax fuse in my C2300 1/8 amp I think. Does wonders! 
tough choices
McIntosh and sonus faber! 
You know you are an Audiophile when:
You have 4 different stereo systems. You have no room for all of your stereo systems.... 
Monster Regret!!
Nothing wrong with monster. I’ll bet we all used some of their products at some point when we got started in this hobby. They were the pioneers. It’s what sounds good to you that counts. Me, I’ve been impressed with shunyata conditioners. Even my ...