

Responses from dinov

New cables - To judge now or after burn in period?
They should sound good to you new. As they break-in, they will sound better.  If they don’t sound good out of the box I find one that does . I’m partial to siltech. Nice cables. I’m now into nordost. Even better.  
How are most audiophiles going from streamers to DACS
replace Mcintosh with Luxman
Buy American!  
Cartridge leads?
I’m talking about the pins on the cartridge  
Cartridge leads?
Since we’re on the subject, I’m having unequal level on one of my turntables. Could this be a result of reversing the grounds on each of the channels, or does that matter. Also if it does, what would that do?  
Should we pay more attention to delays in sound?
That’s why I love Tannoy speakers. It’s all right there.  
So damn hard deciding which tube preamp to buy!
McIntosh, vintage mx 110z, current c2300 or better. Fabulous preamps 
ORANGE Fuse rejected
Audiomagic for me. Sounds great in either direction.  
Who is ditching their shiny disc spinners?
No I still love albums, cds, and sacds. It gives me pride of ownership, something tangible. I’ve ripped cds and bought digital files and they don’t seem to sound the same. It’s probably me.  Also I find myself not playing them as often. That being... 
List your breakthrough products that you’ve discovered on this audiophile Journey.
Mine was discovering tubes! I can’t believe I didn’t give them a second thought over the years. When I was young, I thought they were for old fuddy duddies..Boy was I wrong.  
Speaker Road Trip
Sound like you already made up your mind. Enjoy! 
Mix and match subs?
I haven’t had any problems with my B&W and SVS subs. I don’t think it makes a difference in terms of subs.  
Why have capacitors improved so much over the years?
It’s market driven. Who cared about capacitors 20 or 30 years ago. People like us who tweek and upgrade electronics have found that capacitors make a difference in sound quality. Like changing tubes and interconnects. 
The best tube poweramp. . What do you think about ?
Why does a dent to a tweeter not affect sound quality?
You can easily have a tweeter dust cap or “nipple” replaced, for aesthetic reasons. The Speaker Exchange in Tampa Fl does excellent work and this type of repair isn’t expensive.