
Responses from djones51

Love it when it snows
If you think about it if these mats in the panel box really did what they claim they do, reduce energy consumption that would go a long way to help solve the problem. How about it, you guys that claim it reduced your energy bill and froze your ora... 
Love it when it snows
I don't  know about other universes but this one isn't  cyclical,  it began with a bang and will end with a whimper.  
Love it when it snows
Let's keep this thread on topic, I think what they're trying to say is it's  all a big snow job.  
Love it when it snows
May you be blessed by his noodlyness. Ramen  
Love it when it snows
Of course there’s a common ancestor but if you’re going to use something to compare human behavior with at least stick with a vertebrate by going back half a billion years to a common ancestor, wait a minute you do know the earth is more than 6000... 
Love it when it snows
Mahgister , You’re probably right. I remember my mother used to tell me I was born an old man, to serious, questioning everything. I always assumed  that's why I was always so liberal, not progressive , I never  liked that say what you are. 
Love it when it snows
We know a lot about water and snowflakes, what about them confuses you?  
Love it when it snows
When Pertson compares humans to lobsters he's fallen of the deep end and clearly  knows nothing of evolutionary biology. Lobsters are invertebrates humans are vertebrates why not use something closer like a bonobo, if your going to ignore the evol... 
Love it when it snows
No the center of a snowflake is a water molecule.  
Love it when it snows
He wanted to buy a church at one time perhaps he was channeling  Elmer Gantry.  
Love it when it snows
His approach is religion , all cults are religious in nature. I have watched , I have read but I never was much of one for cults. Peterson's claims are nought but sound and fury, told by an idiot, signifying  nothing. 
Love it when it snows
Yeah, I  know the routine...there's  good people on both sides.....As Popper said " In order for a society to maintain tolerance , it must be intolerant of intolerance. " I  admit  I am intolerant of these demagogues who preach intolerance. 
Love it when it snows
Not him but the looney tunes who follow him. The ones who send death threats to those that stand up to his rhetoric of incitement. His cult followers are the ones that are dangerous, like others of his ilk he likes to hide on the sidelines claimin... 
Love it when it snows
Anyone dense enough to not see that Peterson is right there with Beck, O’Reilly, Limpball and the rest of the alt-right dregs of society is really lost. This moron claims we should " enforce monogamy " that women want to be dominated and that all ... 
Love it when it snows
You're starting to sound like a lobster mahgister, pre school thinking. Adios