
Responses from djones51

Love it when it snows
DDT was banned by the Nixon administration and only in the US with exceptions for health issues. Millions died from malaria because countries abandoned effective uses. It worked, they thought they had it beat, they quit using it. They didn't  so t... 
Love it when it snows
I doubt the power is any different whether it snows or not and I never noticed any difference in my listening. Perhaps if you like snow and there's a blanket covering all around it makes you feel quiet and warm inside your home and for sure that m... 
Love it when it snows
The OP took it off the main topic and went down the rabbit hole if he doesn’t like it he can delete the thread. 
Love it when it snows
+1 onhwy61 My thoughts  exactly.  
Love it when it snows
What's the deal everyone else can shill tweaks on post after post but I can't  shill these same tweaks to save the planet? 
[help] I'm too Boomer to stream. :-(
Sounds like the cool box is a range extender which could help unless you have drop outs now you will probably  still have them. Using a mesh system might be a better option.  
Critique my (possible) new system. Suggestions welcome!
If it's  fairly  new and you might add more speakers then I would keep it and use whatever new integrated amp you have for the l and r front and let the Yamaha do the res. Makes sense if you plan on adding surround  you only mentioned 2.1 in your ... 
Critique my (possible) new system. Suggestions welcome!
Why do you need the Yamaha  for HT bypass if you're only doing 2.1? 
[help] I'm too Boomer to stream. :-(
Whatever folder your Flac files are in needs to be on a network share then the node should be able to see them it won't  use foobar but it's  own player.  
Before the music emerges from your speakers....
Thanks for the link it was informative and an entertaining read even though I didn’t quite follow some of the insider lingo. Yes, it  looked like a lot of equipment for someone who just clicked a mouse 😮 
[help] I'm too Boomer to stream. :-(
Yep melvinjames is right I  forgot about that mini port. 
[help] I'm too Boomer to stream. :-(
This is why it's  a good idea to let people know exactly what you are trying to do and what your setup is. If you would have  mentioned in your post looking for a streamer that you needed hdmi or toslink in to connect a TV no one would have recomm... 
Moving up from a Node 2i
Other than the software and user interface if you are using an external dac why would the streamer affect the sound that much isn't  it just passing the stream on to the dac to convert? It will be interesting  to read your impressions if you move ... 
Low Cost DACs
The SMSL Sandskrit uses an AKM 4490 chip I think SMSL is  coming out with a new DAC this spring the ( S U 9 ? )that will use the new 4499. Some like the AKM chips better than the ESS chips they claim they aren't  as anaylitical a little more " ana... 
Modem performance and modem selection.
I would listen to Chord. I've  talked to the manufacturer of my dac and they said to use what comes with it not to mess with these aftermarket suppliers of cords it's a waste of time and money.